Trump is the rise of the symbolic Middle finger


Trump didn’t have the support of Republican establishment. Even after he became the nominee. It didn’t matter. He didn’t have a ground operation to get out the vote. It didn’t matter. He used only social media and large events. No close canvassing. Little cozying up to the media. He spent way less than Hillary. For the first time in memory a candidate who spends less has won.

A milestone for media- not in a good way

Trump and media didn’t see eye to eye at all. Most media in US hated Trump, rightly or wrongly, and didn’t bother to disguise it too much. They were so visceral in their hatred that they were openly debating whether or not to criticize Hillary. I freely admit that I dislike Trump. But that doesn’t mean I will make any efforts to hide the fact that the only reason to vote Hillary would be her being a marginally smaller evil than Trump. Media was an advocate, not a neutral facilitator, and that was apparent to anyone who paid any attention. That media has now lost its credibility.

The end of American leadership in capitalism

Trump has been an anti trade, anti foreigner candidate. He has talked about imposing tariffs and restricting immigration. He wants to curb outsourcing. This hoes against the free movement if labor and capital that is the basis of free market. Capitalism is no longer an American ideal. The champions of Capitalism will now come from Asia, and therefore that’s where the next wave of prosperity will be.

End of policy and ideology

Trump has not been consistent about anything. Not even about wall. Certainly not on Muslim ban. We shall see how he governs in coming years, but it sure didn’t matter to the voters that he wavered in everything he promises. There was hardly any discussion of policy in debates, only of personalities. This was an election IIM of symbolism. Trump ran as a successful businessman, but refused to show any proof of his success. He refused to even release his tax returns. He ran more as a symbol of business success. Like Hillary ran as a symbol of feminity.

This was a different kind of election. This is what happens when people scream “screw you” to political establishment. Trump, the symbolic middle finger, is now in power.

What he does with the power and how people react to it will determine what the next election will be about.

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