Demonetization: One Leading News & Opinion Portal is actively spreading fear among people

firstpost demonetization

8th November 2016 : PM of INDIA, Shri Narendra Damodardas Modi launched a ‘surgical strike’ of his own class on the black money by demonetizing Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 banknotes. Just one simple move from his side, and the nation was set off on a roller coaster. While the economy showed signs of volatility, the person, although a bit disturbed by the inconvenience, were ready to contribute their bit for a revolutionary move, that would strengthen the 69 year old, yet absolutely obstinate Indian democracy in the long run. However, not all were pleased by this move.

The whole anti INDIA cartel, whose life almost existed on the money received through corrupt means, were knocked out of their deep slumber. While most, clueless as ever, stayed mum, the expected ones went out all guns blazing, expressing their so called anguish against the move that has in reality, struck hard on their bread and water (in reality, the source of their vote banks). While CM of Bengal, Mamata Bannerjee, tried to incite the masses, and demanded an immediate rollback, the unofficial CHIEF MINISTER of INDIA, Arvind Kejriwal, went miles further, accusing anyone and almost everyone in support of this move, to be a MODI agent, and concocting baseless reports of hiding a scam underneath the demonetization move.

However, what is actually the most worrying, and probably the most evil move of these all, is quietly, but significantly, spreading rumors and inciting the masses to go against the NDA government, while enjoying the game of DIVIDE and RULE, as instructed by their political masters. These rumors have unfortunately become a major cause of concern, as they are apparently portraying the successful move of demonetization as a huge failure. While protest is certainly not a crime, organizing it for a sinister cause, thereby putting the nation at peril is certainly not allowed under any law.

Some people, rather agencies to be specific, never learn, and one of the leading lights among them is leading news and opinion portal Firstpost. While its ownership by Reliance Industries and Forbes is another matter altogether, the vicious campaign that this portal has launched against demonetization is certainly not the best thing an INDIAN would love to wake up to.  This agency is notorious for mouthing absolute nonsense against the nationalist movements or governments, while openly endorsing the cause of the pseudo liberals and intellectual terrorists.

This agency, notorious for being Marxist induced, unapologetically pseudo secular, and as the joke goes, being the sister of from a congruent mother, has upped the ante, by systematically and sinisterly spreading baseless rumors, which are bound to create panic among the common people, and thus, prepare the ground for another Delhi and Bihar fiasco.

If you think this is a well-crafted, but poorly executed joke, let me begin with some straight and blunt facts.

From the evening of 13th November, in a series of back to back articles, Firstpost spread intense panic among the common people, capitalizing on the baseless rumors that have been circulating in the Indian atmosphere, ever since Narendra Modi bit the bullet by announcing the demonetization.

Following are the headlines:-

Demonetisation and ATM chaos: Is execution failure worth the pain? Wait till 1 January

Demonetisation: Chaos near banks leads to law and order problems in parts of country

ATM chaos, demonetisation woes: Narendra Modi must stop his emotional atyachar

ATM Chaos: When Narendra Modi’s crackdown on black money made me feel like a criminal

Narendra Modi in Goa: With political capital at stake, PM shows glimpses of vulnerability

Demonetisation seems like deflation for many people; danger signal for PM Modi

If that is enough to boil your blood in rage, wait for a while, as the credentials of the articles are exposed, as noted below:-

Interestingly, the news portal Firstpost, as expected, has left many questions unanswered, and it is here that their protest against demonetization falls flat. Following are some of the facts and the questions that debunk the Firstpost’s rumor theory on demonetization extremely well:-

Moreover, why is the government not taking any strict action against such hate mongers? Leaving them open will be equally harmful, and at such a crucial juncture, rumors will lead to anarchy, and that, will serve as a major blow to the cause of NDA government at the Centre. Anyway, given by the spate of the rumor laced articles, that is continuing unabated, even as I go ahead with this piece, Firstpost is not the one to improve.

To sum it up, at a time, when the government of India is finally doing something sensible in relation to the development of the nation, instead of giving ground to hate mongers, it is our duty as responsible citizens to make the best of the situation, and help out as many people as we can. Because if the anti INDIA cartel succeeds, it is INDIA’s loss, not alone of Narendra Modi.


Press Trust of India

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