Akhilesh Yadav’s Economics theories will put any economist to shame

akhilesh black money samajwadi

Image Courtesy: FirstPost

As a general rule, the descendants of political legacy who have lack of all requisite skills in order to gain political power but occupy top party and government positions as a mere consequence of accident of birth do not deserve the kind attention of the general public. But when the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister who also belongs to this Rahul Gandhi led class of political inheritors in a democracy makes objectionable attempts to befool and mislead the general public as to a landmark reform by the Central Government and a benevolent attempt to clean the economy then it becomes unavoidable to confront these illegitimately coronated princes in a constitutional democracy.

In one such instance the inheritor of Chief Ministership in the most populous state of India proclaimed that black money is the ‘saviour’ of the Indian economy and also claimed that several celebrated economists also hold this view though he deliberately abstained from naming them. This naïve attempt to mislead the general public as far as the demonetization scheme of the Central Government is concerned would surely put anyone having even the slightest knowledge of how economics works to shame. This is an open letter to the nominated Uttar Pradesh CM by a development seeking youngster calling his lie and advising him not to give his piece of mind every now and then or else he too would become a source of derisive laughter just like most of his coronated counterparts.

‘Samajwadi’ Party: A capitalist farce

Your dynasty is registered with the Election Commission of India by the name of Samajwadi Party. If you had even a basic understanding of what Samajwad means you could have realized that the essence of Socialism lies in ensuring a relative equality in the society. One of the important instruments of implementing the socialist vision is taxation and especially direct taxation. The way you have extended vehement support towards tax evasion for generation of black money goes on to show that Samajwaad, i.e. Socialism seems to be nothing more than a vote yielding misnomer for your highly capitalistic and power monopolistic order. Your tall claims of being the propagators of Lohia’s legacy thus stand exposed in the open. To put it simply, you are only as socialist as you are secular. This also explains for your unprecedented anger against the demonetization scheme in a desperate attempt to save your crumbling capitalist order.

Akhilesh, a potential Rahul Gandhi?

You may be living in the illusion that you can survive in today’s politics without doing anything significant and in fact expressing objectionable and absurd views backed by a heavy PR support. Make no mistake; today’s youth is intelligent enough to call your bluff. You have the landmark example of how the voters rejected an incompetent politician, Rahul Gandhi who can be defined as your counterpart inheritor of the Indian National Congress in the last general elections. The Congress has far greater capacity when compared to your strictly regional outfit. Still Rahul Gandhi could never really take off even as Congress continues to spend Crores on him along with massive propaganda and media coverage. The display of your economic prudence that you have recently showcased would definitely not go down with the development hungry youth of Uttar Pradesh which as assured by many in your outfit is supposed to be your core voter.


Take this as an advice from the “under-35” population of India whom you are trying to woo with all your strength. We do not want traditional politicians surviving wholly out of religion and caste politics. You can’t woo us with misnomers. You have to be straightforward and honest with us if you want to remain in power on the basis of our support. If you do not believe in socialism, which you obviously do not then please have what it takes to admit that. A fancy party name and fake claims will no longer assure years of unquestioned political power as it did in the past.

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