Nowadays! Political slaughterers are distributing “Not Fascist” certificates


General Secretary of the Communist Party of India Marxist (CPI-M) Prakash Karat gestures as he addresses the media after a three-day party politburo and central committee meeting in Kolkata, 01 October 2007. Karat said that the CPI(M) asked the government not to take further steps on implementing the Indo-US nuclear deal, like taking up the IAEA safeguards issue. AFP PHOTO/Deshakalyan CHOWDHURY (Photo credit should read DESHAKALYAN CHOWDHURY/AFP/Getty Images)

There are no prizes for guessing which political ideology was responsible for the highest number of murders around the world.

Which political ideology it was that spread largescale hunger, poverty and strife around the world is a no-brainer either.

It’s the same political ideology which oppressed the masses using brutality and the denial of fundamental rights wherever it sprouted.

The lofty ideals it based itself on coupled with its ground reality, was an experiment in hypocrisy.

Today, the Indian ideological descendants of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot are giving the Modi government certificates of ‘not being fascist’.

Veteran communist leader and ideologue Prakash Karat has written in an opinion piece that the Modi government is ‘authoritarian but not fascist’.

Karat is a failed politician at the forefront of a dastardly political movement which has been rejected by the world, with its few remnants steadily fading into oblivion. Yet, Karat and his ilk have enjoyed substantial coverage from the Indian mainstream media, disproportionate to their influence on the ground.

This is baffling, and most people believe that familial ties or common enemies might be the reason. Karat’s salvo has ruffled many feathers, because it goes against the united attack mounted by the media, the intelligentsia and the opposition parties accusing Mr. Modi’s government of being fascist.

How openly such lies are peddled is itself an indication that high standards in freedom of expression are prevalent.

The Modi government does not require a certificate from the stalwart of a fringe and morally-bankrupt movement to prove the same. Such statements should be ideally ignored and are not worthy of a response, but for once, let’s show the mirror to these comrades.

To begin with, their ideology is such that they are not cut out for parliamentary democracy or any other form of democracy. This was stated by one of our founding fathers and the man known for drafting the Indian constitution, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar.

This incompatibility is intuitive enough. One cannot maintain the standard of liberty any democracy strives for if those at the helm of affairs are bent upon imposing a certain utopia that nobody cares for particularly.

But the Indian communists, hypocrites that they are, took the entire game to a whole new level. Since it was impossible for them to function in the stipulated setup, they functioned as if it didn’t exist.

The Communists ruled West Bengal for thirty-four years.

How the party and the government were effectively the same unit and how anybody associated to the party could treat the state as their own fiefdom and get away with anything, are facts known to everyone.

What is interesting are some of the figures though, which give us a comprehensive picture of the extent of decadence.

In between 1977 and 2011, sixty thousand political murders were committed in the state of West Bengal.

Even elected representatives of the Congress Party, which wasn’t an ally back then, were not spared. Sixty thousand is just the official figure, meaning these were the murders the state machinery actually consented to acknowledge.

The government and party functioning as one unit and taking the life of a citizen every few hours on an average, is how West Bengal operated. Opposition and dissidence were crushed at will, and getting re-elected again and again was no hassle either.

Kerala is the other state the communists have formed governments in on and off. Here too, their violent and perverse tendencies have come to the fore.

The communists have not been in government for long stretches unlike in Bengal, but this hasn’t prevented them from showing their true colours.

Of late, with a Congress Party in decline both nationally and in Kerala, the Communists have set their thugs on cadres of the BJP and the RSS.

In the run up to the elections earlier this year, the Communists ramped up their operations to intimidate a rising BJP. BJP and RSS cadres were slaughtered on a daily basis.

Emboldened after their victory, Communist thugs have continued their murderous streak. They even attempted to murder the state’s BJP president it is believed, by bombing one of BJP’s offices.

Naxalism is another force the Communist ideology has given birth to in India. According to RAW’s (Research and Analysis Wing) estimates, there are twenty thousand of these gun-toting guerrilla fighters roaming our forests, killing our security forces and aspiring to overthrow the Indian state.

If certain journalists, professors, award-winning authors and other sympathizers are counted, the number is pegged at fifty thousand.

To those who argue that it is unfair to drag a terrorist organization while discussing the statement of a mainstream communist leader just because their ideological roots might be the same, this is simply an aside to present another facet of the parent ideology. Considering the harm mainstream communism has brought to India, Naxalism is merely a drop in the ocean.

How people who have been at the helm of affairs of what can only be best described as a killing machine, have the gall to give sermons about authoritarianism and fascism is astounding.

The level of hypocrisy, sanctimony and condescension are frankly inhuman. The brutal effects of a short-sighted political ideology, and the name of every shameless person who used it to advance in life, will be etched in history.


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