Dear NIT Srinagar students, We are sorry for letting you down

NIT Srinagar Students

Have you ever come across a nation where hoisting the national flag on her own soil is a provocation, even a crime!? That is India for you. Yes, the same country where the assorted leftists, their media cronies and “intellectuals” defend panegyrizing convicted terrorists and slogans exhorting to India’s destruction as freedom of expression. It is a shame on every Indian that young NIT Srinagar Students, barely out of their teens, are subjected to police brutality inside the NIT Srinagar campus- their sin: being loyal to their motherland and having the guts to hoist the Indian tricolor in the Kashmir valley despite been warned of dire consequences by jihadi groups, sections of rabidly anti-India locals and even complicit faculty members. Let us admit it, none of us has even an iota of their raw courage and grit.

It all began in the aftermath of India’s loss to West Indies in a hard fought ICC T20 semifinal. Sections of local students in the NIT campus started celebrating India’s defeat and began a diatribe anti-India and pro-Pakistan sloganeering. Like any self-respecting Indian, non-local NIT Srinagar Students got agitated and organized a protest march carrying the Indian national flag which led to skirmishes and a brief shutdown of the campus. These young kids who had the “audacity” to unfurl the national flag and chant “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” were met with outright threats and intimidation by locals[not students, but locals who have no business inside the campus], jihadi elements and even some of the faculty members.

As the protests continued, NIT Srinagar Students were locked inside the campus despite them openly expressing fear for their safety and wanting to go home. J&K police then brutally lathi charged and used tear gas against unarmed NIT Srinagar Students when they tried to make their way to the main gate, seriously injuring dozens of young kids – their explanation: A march with the national flag would have vitiated peaceful atmosphere!! Videos and photos shared by the NIT Srinagar Students in their FB page will make any self-respecting Indian’s blood boil with rage. The irony of our country is that people who shout anti-India slogans and openly eulogize terrorists are national heroes on par with Bhagat Singh [he will be squirming in his heavenly abode] whereas others are crushed under police boots for the sin of being patriots.

And, the Indian media are at their game again. After suppressing and ignoring the issue for long, now, they want to allege mala fide intentions on NIT Srinagar Students beaten up for hoisting the national flag and raising pro-India slogans by claiming that students have the motive of getting migration[ according to sources of course, just like they quote their mysterious sources across the galaxy to plant stories and hit jobs].

At First, they suppress the coverage of the protests and police brutality. Then, they portray it as a Delhi versus Kashmir issue. And, now cast aspersions on the motives of brave students who had the courage to hoist the national flag in the valley. These are the same guys who were crying for Freedom of expression for the JNU students to eulogize terrorists and shout anti-India slogans. Likes of Burkha Dutt, who was hero-worshipping Kanhaiya Kumar and gang are tight-lipped. Well, many learned souls in social media are even wondering why should we “provoke” by unfurling the national flag in Kashmir!!

We all know the true colors of the leftist cabal and their sidekicks in the media. We all know that most of our so-called intellectuals are compromised. These guys cannot stand anything remotely worthy of national pride as we have seen for the umpteenth time over the years. Many of them are the part of a fifth column deeply entrenched to weaken India from within. But, it was the inept handling of the issue by the BJP state unit in particular and even the GOI to some extent which let the nation down. If this is the best the BJP could do despite all the tough posturing over nationalism, one can only imagine the plight of the NIT Srinagar Students if the Congress was in power!

The state unit of the BJP, which shares power in J&K should have shown more intent in declaring solidarity with the NIT Srinagar Students. Their indifference which was evident from the Deputy CM, Nirmal Singh sugar coating the police brutality as mild was plain ludicrous. It is unthinkable that students of a central university can be thrashed by the police in Indian soil for hoisting the national flag when an extremely powerful Prime Minister lords over a central government which takes pride in its nationalistic credentials. The center took some action, of course, as evident from how NIT NIT Srinagar Students themselves thanked the CRPF for saving them from the J&K police and helping them hoist the tricolor. The HRD ministry and home ministry took cognizance and spoke with the relevant authorities besides sending officials over. But, there was a definite delay in the GOI response which was a letdown.

The BJP has a lot to learn from leftists and Congress when it comes to taking care of people who believe in its ideology. While the leftist cabal did everything in its power to make heroes out of people openly indulging in glorifying terrorists and anti-India rhetoric, BJP failed in ensuring the safety of young citizens who took the plunge believing in the ideal of nationalism and love for their motherland. Though the GOI pitched in after the clumsy (to be generous) effort of the spineless J&K BJP unit, it was a classic case of too little too late. This shoddy episode will make the vulnerable ordinary citizens think twice before putting themselves in line for the national interest.

This is a battle for the idea of India. BJP cannot afford to lose this battle if it is serious about its commitment to an exuberant, glorious nation. Traitors and murderers being venerated as martyrs, their supporters hailed as heroes, aided and abetted by a highly prejudiced media and a desperate opposition. All these, while people who love and care about this great nation are treated like trash, humiliated and crushed. There is no greater sign of decadence in a society and a nation.Wake up India before it is too late…

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