FirstPost Lies again: What their news trading tribe and leftists are not telling you about the JNU Controversy?


Here’s the link to the FirstPost article

Evidently, JNU has been blasted into national spotlight because of the brazenly anti-national and seditious protests organized by a group of students. After all, slogans such as ‘Bharat here tukde hinge, Inshallah Inshallah’ and ‘Kashmir maange Azadi’ don’t really say ‘ I love you Mother India’. Most of the paid Media, NDTV, ABP News and others like them have sought to turn the gaze away from these protests, focussing instead on the reaction of the government and the Police, labeling them high-handed, calling the students innocent and so on. There has been dramatic coverage of the two instances of Kanhaiya Kumar being assaulted in the court by a group of lawyers. The narrative that these Leftists and Presstitutes are trying to build is that Liberal values are being attacked by the BJP and the RSS. Typical is an article that figures in Firstpost today.

Fact no. 1: JNU is not a political issue.


It was JNU students who organized this ridiculous gathering in the memory of Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru. It wasn’t the BJP or the RSS who instigated the students. Reactions followed this treasonous action.

The assault on Kanhaiya Kumar is condemnable. It should have never happened. If the Policemen on duty stood by and watched Kanhaiya being attacked, they deserve to be punished. That having been said, there is no evidence to suggest that the government intends to unjustly punish Kanhaiya. The case has been brought up for hearing before a court of law, which as of now has sent him to police custody. Kanhaiya will have to bear responsibility as JNUSU President for actions that happened under his watch. As for the sedition case, the courts are empowered to dismiss charges based on evidence. There is no need to hyperventilate on this aspect. The important thing is to catch hold of other student protesters.

Fact no. 2- Kanhaiya’s guilt will be determined by the Judiciary basis evidence that is put forth. His poverty stricken life, his education qualifications, his caste and other inane stuff should not and cannot impact the outcome.

There is no question of comparing the demands of JNU protesters regarding Azadi for Kashmir and the issues of Uniform Civil Code raised frequently by the BJP. The former comes under the category of sedition simply because the Parliament of India has passed resolutions to the effect of declaring J&K state, in its entirety, as a part of the Union of India. The question of Azadi therefore does not arise. Uniform Civil Code, a completely unrelated issue, is mentioned in the Directive Principles of State Policy, which is a part of the Indian constitution. Therefore, while the former demand is seditious, the latter is a debatable point which can be decided on the floor of Indian Parliament.

Fact no. 3: The issue at hand is the treasonous behavior of some JNU students. This has nothing to do with the political ideology of any party in the country.

Democratic Socialism might have been the guiding light for many of our Freedom fighters and the makers of India’s constitution. Yet, the original constitution, never mentioned Socialism as an object in the preamble. That was perfidiously done by Indira Gandhi, another so called Democratic Socialist. The Leftist disdain for the idea of India can be exemplified easily. The communists tacitly supported Muslim League’s demand for partition. Communists were opposed to Quit India Movement. Communists supported China in the 1962 war. Communists supported demand for a Muslim Homeland in Kerala. Communists have regularly obfuscated historical facts and it is the Communists who have turned Universities into dens of sedition. Lastly, it was Democratic Socialist students in JNU who assaulted the army men who protested against a Pakistani delegate’s anti-India speech in the aftermath of Kargil war.

Fact no. 4: To say Communists are nationalists is like saying Kim Jong Un is a Pacifist

For 6 decades, Communists and Congressmen have been bed partners. For 6 decades, this nation has rotted under their flawed policies. It is their policies that have kept millions of Indians impoverished. It is their nefarious policies that have kept India in the league of third world. It is their opportunist policies that have ensured that the barriers of caste, creed, language are perpetuated. When there is talk of low allocation of budget for education, there must also be discussions on why after 6 decades, our education infrastructure remains non-existent. When there are comments that India is being sold off to WTO and IMF, there must also be discussions on why inspite of heavy subsidies, JNU remains a non-starter on the world education scene. Why unending researches guzzle tax payers’ money, without adding any value to the society. JNU must either reform itself or be shut down forever

Fact no, 5- JNU and several other educational institutions are nothing more than mills churning out political workers for the Communists.

The author mentions Berlin Wall demolition in his article. The demolition of Berlin Wall allowed winds of change to sweep through East Germany, resulting in its integration with the more advanced, more liberal and more contemporary West. Here is hoping that JNU sees a Berlin wall demolition of its own soon. Free from Communist thought, JNU may see a rich, vibrant, thriving nation that India is and may contribute in taking it to greater heights.

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