The killing of D S Kuttappa will create no furor, simply because he was a VHP guy!

The history speaks itself. We need no one’s certificate on asserting the facts. More than 2000 letters were discovered after Tipu’s death in the year 1799. All these letters belonged to Tipu, bearing his own handwriting. In those letters, Tipu habitually calls Hindus as Kafirs and Infidels. Not only Hindus, he even called Christians, especially the British who needs to be cleansed or to be converted, if Islam is to be established in India. The great and so called patriot according to Karnataka CM Siddharamaiah, had written letters to Turks and Afghans to come and conquer India and convert every Kafir to Islam.

Mr. Siddharamaiah had declared last month that the Congress government in Karnataka will celebrate Tipu Sultan’s birth anniversary as Tipu Jayanti state wide at the cost of tax payer’s money. This will be followed every year on November 10th. His government went ahead and issued circulars to every district administration offices to materialize the strict instructions. However, the circular explicitly mentions that the street processions were banned and a ceremonial festival inside a premise was allowed.

Today in Madikeri, Karnataka. Sri D S Kuttappa, the organizing secretary of Vishwa Hindu Parishad for Kodagu district was protesting against the state sponsored Tipu Jayanti. He was brutally attacked and hacked to death by a group of miscreants. The “miscreants” were fringe elements from the Tipu Supporting faction wielding machetes and swords and trying to instigate the mob. The instigation led to the clashes which went out of control resulting in the killing of D S Kuttappa.

Nearly, 30 VHP activists were also injured after the rioters resorted to stone-pelting. According to local reports, the reason for the communal flare up was stone pelting by some “miscreants” during the procession to protest against the Tipu Jayanti celebrations in Madikeri town. Over 20 shops and an equal number of houses were also attacked and looted after the incident, police sources added.

CM’s quick Judgements:

CM of Karnataka was fully equipped to save these “miscreants” from the clutches of possible punishment. Without even referring to the official police reports, CM Siddharamaiah declared that D S Kuttappa fell down from a building while escaping the lathi charge of Police. He also said that, this is just an accident and BJP and other Communal forces are responsible for ruckus in Madikeri. I really admire the courage of CM Siddharamaiah, it takes a great deal of it to take sides so openly while running a democratically elected government!

It is not the first time that Karnataka CM Siddharamaiah is acting faster than the Police. In the alleged suicide case of honest IAS officer D.K. Ravi, CM was the first person to visit the post-mortem site and to declare it as a suicide.

Silence of the intellectuals and writers:

Now that the Bihar elections are over, the communal harmony has been restored in the country. Every writer and intellectual feels that the religious tolerance has been reinstated itself. Kalburgi murder, Akhlaq Murder or Dalit children burning can now stay out of news. BJP lost Bihar, they are happy and their project was a grand success. This is the sick mentality that is prevailing in the minds of so called intellectuals.


You see, D S Kuttappa was no Akhlaq. Rajdeep Sardesai can go ahead and write one more open letter comparing “My Dadri vs Your Madikeri” this time and draw an inference and incline his full support to the fringe that killed D S Kuttappa. Because D S Kuttappa was associated with Vishwa Hindu Parishad and was actually the general secretary post. Obviously, this is the reason why it is OK to not to cover the Madikeri incident in the national media with the same fervor as the Dadri incident. As per these media “outlets”, minority status and their well-being is more or IF I MAY SAY SO, MOST IMPORTANT in this country. The majority should co-exist and express their tolerance no matter what happens.

The Jnanapith award winner Girish Karnad stokes controversy:

The so called eminent playwright, and the coveted Jnanapith award winner Mr. Girish Karnad has stoke yet another controversy today in his speech in the banquet hall of Karnataka Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore. He said, Kolkata has named its international airport as “Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport”. But, Bangalore has renamed its airport as “Kempe Gowda International Airport”. It should be renamed as “Tipu Sultan International Airport” as Tipu was more of a freedom fighter who fought the British than the Architect of modern Bangalore Shri Kempe Gowda. Girish Karnad emphasizes that, Tipu was shown in bad light as a religious fanatic, but there are no real proofs that he was converting people to Islam by force.

Just to let Girish Karnad know that, the Bengaluru International Airport area Devanahalli was once called as Islamabad. This was fondly renamed by Tipu Sultan during his regime. Girish Karnad is following in the exact footsteps of his master.


Coorg’s angst is justified:

Coorg has every right to protest against the celebrations of this tyrant’s birthday. Coorg was the direct recipient of Tipu’s tyranny. His occupation of the districts ruled by the Haleri dynasty was marked with the destruction of the temples, killing of the infidels (read as Hindus) and mass conversions to Islam. In a letter to Nawab of Curnool, Tipu claims that he took more than 40,000 Coorgi’s as prisoners and forcibly converted all of them to Islam at sword point and later recruited them to his Ahmedi warrior corps. Even today we can witness hundreds of Hindu temples in Coorg and Kerala that stood in wreckage’s speaks as a testimonial of the barbarism of the Islamic Jihadist Tipu Sultan.

To conclude this post, I want to highlight the inscription on the tyrant Tipu Sultan’s sword that was found in his bed chamber after he was defeated by the British on May 4th, 1799. Let people decide whether he was a freedom fighter or a religious fanatic. The Sword was publicly presented by General Harris to General Baird, who had led the assault on Tipu. On the handle (hilt) of the Tipu Sultan’s steel Sword was the following inscription (translated to English from Pharsi) in praise of the Almighty (Muhammad of Islam):

“My victorious Sabre is lightning for the destruction of the unbelievers. Haidar, the Lord of the Faith, is victorious for my advantage. And moreover, he destroyed the wicked race (Hindus) who were unbelievers. Praise be to him, who is the Lord of the Worlds! Thou art our Lord, support us against the people who are unbelievers (Hindus). He to whom the Lord giveth victory prevails over all (mankind). Oh Lord, make him victorious, who promoteth the faith of Muhammad. Confound him, who refuseth the faith of Muhammad; and withhold us from those who are so inclined. The Lord is predominant over his own works. Victory and conquest are from the Almighty. Bring happy tidings, Oh Muhammad, to the faithful; for God is the kind protector and is the most merciful of the merciful. If God assists thee, thou wilt prosper. May the Lord God assist thee, Oh Muhammad, with a mighty victory!!?”

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