Terror has a religion

Terror has no religion. Religion has no terror. Both the arguments are somewhat misappropriate in the hunt. Religion has always been considered an important potent force of unification. But to quote many secular agonists as well as atheists, the cause of religion has started to become the reason of universal human degradation. Everybody talks of the silent majority-its power, its resilience, its resistance to the awkwardly inhospitable world. But when the noisy minority overruns the silent majority in the bid to counter and encounter the roadblock towards religious supranationalism – the entire protractor of spiritual serenity gets nipped in the bud. Paris is no stranger to terrorism, neither is the Western world, dealing with an increasing influx of the war ravaged hotspots in the Islamic domain. Aylan’s guileless, unmoving, stagnant body crying without the visible tears moved the world, forced candle light marches to and fro without parachuting into the problem of terrorism which has reduced an entire West Asia-to be the hubris of gunpowder.


Not even a year back, when the revolving Earth took a disastrous notice to the Charlie Hebdo massacre, the planet showed remorse, even moral aid. But what it missed out was on the probability or even a possibility of having a strict no legal solution towards scaremongering the Planetians, not only Parisians. The rise of Islamism or radical view of Caliphate is not a new story. The dream of the Prophet and the reality of the world had to be merged somehow. Sporadic November love of terrorists immersed in the choice of the date Friday-the 13th very clearly shows that the visionary of human slaughter was to be directly expounded on the streets of Romantic capital of the world. But contradictory principles of national interest of the leading “G” Group countries is forcing an overhaul of unity. Russia in the land of Syria has actively decided to support the Assad regime, while the pole positioned USA has decided to give rebels a greater weight. There are situations when an indirect war is being ravaged between the USA and Russian fronts as a means of achieving greater geo political leverage.


1980 Afghanistan showed what foreign occupation through vandal means can bring about. Similarly, the 2001- War against Terror created a miscreant which eventually resulted in little, other than the Nobel laurel for the present US Premier. Similarly, the notion of extremism must now be decided not on the value ruling of self-acclaimed, moral policemen of India, but by the global conscience of reunification against a force of terror. The sub-continent itself has been the breeding ground of terrorism and a mere name of one country is enough to support the statement. But, it is also time for the United Nations to come out of his titular slumber and forge unity in a world of 10 billion. If today terrorists can be united for the cause of jihad, the nations can also drag their internal, trifling differences in the view of a better tomorrow. When faced with Japanese aggression, the nationalists and the Communists in China fought shoulder to shoulder for almost a decade.


And then there are people who actually view the world through the lens of Newtonian philosophy of action and reaction and blame the Gujarati CM of 2002 for the same. Mani Shankar Aiyar- the person who indirectly helped the Brit PM to introduce the term chaiwala in his speech talked about the Islamophobia of France behind the Charlie Hebdo murder. “France has had Charlie Hebdo, because it banned Hijab.”- And the main stream media had little to offer except silent applause to an well-articulated, secular remark. I didn’t know secularism of Paris, can enviably bring votes in New Delhi. Terror does have a religion-that of hatred and blind prejudice.Respect the secularism, sir which you never revered. Well, marches have stopped, dissent/intolerance seems contained, national awards look happy with their change of address, Cow is in peace, and Anupam Kher doused in his show where “anything can happen”. Drama in India has gone for a pee, while the shit of the world awaits.

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