Battle of Koregaon: Lies, Myths, and Breaking India
<< I was asked to format a series of Tweets by the person behind the Twitter Handle @Asipatravana so that more Readers can ...
<< I was asked to format a series of Tweets by the person behind the Twitter Handle @Asipatravana so that more Readers can ...
On the 1st of January, A special event called “Shaurya Divas” was organized in Pune, to commemorate the 200-year-old victory (although highly debated) ...
Identity based politics is a hallmark of the Indian polity. So far the Muslim votebank was the most sought after vote by the ...
Ever since childhood I have been taught in all my history lessons that the Upper castes oppressed the lower castes! Loads of textbooks, ...
If one wondered why former Congress prime ministers looked at Russia, while leading the non-aligned movement, the answer is that the Communists are ...
BJP has traditionally been seen as Gujarat's default governing party. Since 1995, a BJP leader has been at the helm of Gujarat. However, ...
Who is a Dalit? What exactly does the term mean? The word ‘Dalit’ means ‘divided’. This is the self-chosen political name of castes ...
When Adi Sankara first visited Varanasi, it is said that he was proceeding to the Vishwanath temple, after taking a dip in the ...
Remember Yugoslavia? That giant Balkan state, the result of the Pan Slavic movements in the second decade of the 20th century, a place ...
After failing to make a hero out of Hardik Patel, Indian Media has forced another “leader” upon us. And this “leader” has a ...
"I think it would be appropriate and justifiable to honour Kanshi Ram ji with Bharat Ratna. I have proposed this thing in the ...
We often hear the term ‘social justice’ being discussed in the mainstream media and by our politicians. The new media-created hero Kanhaiya ...
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