Let’s dive deep into the history and significance of Kanwar Yatra
It is the holy month of Shravan. As per the Hindu calendar, Shravan is the month of Bhagwan Shiva. It is considered auspicious to seek the blessing of Bhagwan Shiva in ...
It is the holy month of Shravan. As per the Hindu calendar, Shravan is the month of Bhagwan Shiva. It is considered auspicious to seek the blessing of Bhagwan Shiva in ...
‘The Kashmir Files’ unearthed the gory truth that was rugged under the carpet by the mainstream media and Islamo-leftist coterie. They whitewashed the crimes of the valley and dehumanised the Kashmiri ...
Liberals’ only source of bread and butter is their involvement in a ‘unique’ business called ‘demean India and demean Hindus’. Scroll down your feeds on any social media handle and you’ll ...
Floods are not a new phenomenon in India. Millions of people have been displaced due to this phenomenon in politically independent India. Almost always the policy experts have blamed it on ...
Bal Keshav Thackeray was an astute political figure in the state of Maharashtra. The founder of Marmik and Saamna carved out a niche in politics for himself, the politics of Marathi ...
They went on a rampage against Nupur Sharma. They called out for the beheading of Nupur Sharma. They shamelessly incite their community to rape Nupur Sharma. Yet, they are allowed to ...
Support to the alliance, still differences with an ally, something of this sort has happened in the state of Maharashtra in the wake of Rajya Sabha polls that concluded recently. Asaduddin ...
Today I ask you a question. How often do you see mandirs of Shani Dev while walking through a street in the small cities of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar? Not more ...
The opposition, liberals, and Islamists have finally united. Who bought them together? Well, it is the saffron party and the Modi government. How? They have come together to oppose the Hindutva ...
“There's a point at 7,000 RPM where everything fades. The machine becomes weightless. It just disappears. All that's left, is a body moving through space and time. 7,000 RPM, that's where ...
The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has made all the arrangements to erase the traces of cultural oppressions done by Mughals as they attempted to ‘remove’ the murtis of Bhagwan Ganesh ...
Bala Saheb Thackeray, an unapologetic Hindu leader owns a legacy that cannot and should not be forgotten. Generally, the kins take forward the legacy of family patriarchs, but the case of ...
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