[Interview] Dr. Mahendra Singh – The Man who won Assam for BJP
Like all BJP fans, I too was excited when BJP stormed to power in the tea state of Assam. North East has never been BJP’s stronghold. There was no well-defined party ...
Like all BJP fans, I too was excited when BJP stormed to power in the tea state of Assam. North East has never been BJP’s stronghold. There was no well-defined party ...
India needs more leaders like Arvind Kejriwal. Leaders like Arvind Kejriwal fight for the common man and for the issues which matter to the common folk of Delhi. Issues which, if ...
Chidambaram Ishrat Controversy: All hell broke loose after Ishrat File Expose The Congress Party which is ever ready to blame Modi, BJP and RSS for every fire breaking on the earth ...
Time and again, Arvind Kejriwal has exhibited an unusual resistance to facts and reason and displayed an uncanny knack of inventing stories out of thin air. He has officially surpassed ...
As part of its aspirations to build a regional navigational system equivalent to Global Positioning System of the US, ISRO plans to send seven satellites to put in place the Indian ...
To begin with, this article has no intention of defaming anyone. What it seeks to do, is to come up with a comprehensive theory that explains certain phenomena. It seeks to ...
Israel and the Palestinian Authority have finally begun the process of improving mobile telecommunications services in the West Bank region by coming together in an agreement to provide 3G (third generation) ...
I earn my bread and butter through my pen and words. I also romance them; share my deepest fears and thoughts with them. Sometimes I feel no lover or friend is ...
To all the NDTV people out there I ask, Do you realize that journalism is a profession and not merely a business? Do you realize that your words and actions actually ...
On On 26th of May 2014, the ever so controversial Narendra Damodardas Modi started his tenure after his swearing-in as the 15th Prime Minister of India. The occasion was grand. The ...
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