Beware of these Political Vultures of India
If I say that the vultures too have their some sort of culture, it may totally appear strange to you but in fact it is not. This has been successfully proved ...
If I say that the vultures too have their some sort of culture, it may totally appear strange to you but in fact it is not. This has been successfully proved ...
AAP and its learned party president never seizes to surprise with the tenacity of blunders that they keep committing one after the other. Not so long ago, AAP was looking like ...
There are chances that you are a game of thrones fan or have at least watched a few episodes of it. It’s an epic saga of clash of different clans for ...
A possibility that seemed too good to be true to some and a dystopian reality the entire world needs to avoid to others, Donald Trump, against all odds has beaten a ...
On 18th July, Germany witnessed an Islamic terror attack. A 17 year old boy-Riaz Khan Ahmadzai-shouted "Allahu Akhbar” and went on a stabbing rampage inside a train near Bavaria's Würzburg city. ...
The Varnas that were defined on the basis of skills secured and deeds performed by a person in the Vedic days have been denigrated into a birth based system today. But ...
Media news today is akin to charcoal tarred frying pan. Scratch the charcoal from the top, the actual color and material of the pan gets revealed. It has become such a ...
As my beast (my Scorpio) made its way relentlessly through unending monsoon drenched never ending wilderness of East Godavari District of AP, my wandering mind reflected on the happenings in far ...
Kashmir has been witnessing turbulence from the last many decades and has consistently threatened the peaceful existence of a united India. Hence it becomes imperative for every Indian today from Kashmir ...
Does the ability to write well, speak eloquently, dress à la proletariat automatically entitle one to become the conscience keeper of a nation? Just because one creates an illusion of fighting ...
Once Malcolm X, the American revolutionary had said, ‘If you’re not careful, the newspaper will have you hating those who are being oppressed, and loving those who are doing the oppressing.” ...
The Congress Party is capable of going any length to consolidate its position, politicize issues, and defend itself. The country has witnessed it for almost seventy years now. Hypocrisy, polarization, the ...
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