Terror has a religion
Terror has no religion. Religion has no terror. Both the arguments are somewhat misappropriate in the hunt. Religion has always been considered an important potent force of unification. But to quote ...
Terror has no religion. Religion has no terror. Both the arguments are somewhat misappropriate in the hunt. Religion has always been considered an important potent force of unification. But to quote ...
The history speaks itself. We need no one’s certificate on asserting the facts. More than 2000 letters were discovered after Tipu’s death in the year 1799. All these letters belonged to ...
The last article in this series had covered the specter of Hindu intolerance in ancient India. In this part, we will see how Hindu intolerance manifested itself between 1000 CE-1500 CE approx. ...
As George Orwell writes in his Masterpiece, 1984, "To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which ...
Rising statistics of crime against women and children is a pointer to the abysmal lows our once great civilization has sunk. The rot has set in; almost everybody is raising their ...
In India, Secularism or the liberal tag is a much-maligned concept today. Rather than the lofty ethos that those words should represent, ideas that come to our mind are the negative ...
Mahatma Gandhi wrote in his autobiography: “I have a horror of “isms” especially when they are attached to the proper names. Even if all that you say of me is true, ...
A nation that aspires to be world leader in technology is currently grappling with the issue of cows! In the 21st century, we are discussing if beef was eaten by our ...
In June last year, a fairly unknown armed group took control of Iraq’s second largest city Mossul. Most people following this development didn’t bat an eyelid. A weak Iraqi government with ...
"Majidi and A.R. Rahman cannot make a movie that is inflammatory and would hurt sentiments of the Muslim community." The above-mentioned quote was made by none other than the self-proclaimed ...
The very talented and renowned, Oscar winning music director Mr. A R Rahman received an unwarranted acclamation for one of his recent works in form of a ‘Fatwa’ issued to him ...
"Zalimo, O Kafiro, Kashmir hamara chhod do" The streets of Srinagar shook with cries such as these on a cold night in January 1990. The edifice of Kashmiriyat had finally been ...
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