Stage is set for a US Russia Collision
In the Middle East, Russia and US are the elephants and Syrians are the pasture which is suffering. The cease-fire in Syria that the United States and Russia tortuously negotiated has, ...
In the Middle East, Russia and US are the elephants and Syrians are the pasture which is suffering. The cease-fire in Syria that the United States and Russia tortuously negotiated has, ...
The acute civilian military disconnect in India is most prominently seen by the public reactions after every terrorist attack (like the latest in Uri, which sadly won't be the last), where ...
“What is a constitution? It is a booklet with twelve or ten pages. I can tear them away and say that tomorrow we shall live under a different system. Today, the ...
They came to our land and in a sheer act of cowardice attacked our armymen when they were unarmed and unprepared. Pakistan has never been able to defeat Indian in conventional ...
Confusion is the very first symptom of fear. And fear reminds one of his roots. So, it is not unusual that during his days of fear, Dr. Zakir Naik wrote an ...
1500 years ago, the Shiva Dhanurveda- one of the principal military manuals of the Sri Sri Gupta Mandala- or the Gupta Empire- declared: ‘(Enemy) heroes who faint, or are wounded, or ...
A recent development of Jihadi commanders being shot dead by gun wielding Burqa clad women has forced the Sharia advocating ISIS to release an order preventing women in burqa from entering ...
With friends like Pakistan, one doesn't need any enemies. This was the lesson USA learnt in the hard way. From the days when 'Mujahideen' were supported in the credits of Rambo-III, ...
Women and their clothing have long been a matter of contention in society. Men have always regarded the female body as a symbol of social honor and have sought to control ...
What do a now half-blind Kashmiri medical student, a young Syrian boy in Aleppo, and the citizens of Gaza have in common? Many things. The most important one, for both us ...
Back in 1990, when India was still a de facto Soviet client state and it cost INR 10 a minute to call someone on the phone, there had been a war, ...
The recent coup- or whatever it was- in Turkey left a distinctly unpleasant smell in one’s nostrils. Mostly because it reminded many of this small fire that had broken out at ...
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