"संत दूसरों के बच्चे ही अच्छे लगते हैं..." माँ की आँखों का सूखापन उनके अक्सर गिरते आँसुओं से ज्यादा चिंताजनक...
Not all that gets rained on gets drenched It could have been any rainy monsoon evening in Mumbai, and the...
It started very serenely as if people were there with the intent of staying for entire day. Small groups of...
कभी अमीर खुसरो की कलम में, कभी निजामुद्दीन औलिया के गानों में कभी बहादुर शाह ज़फर के नगमो से फुसफुसाया मैंने अतीत...
A couple of weeks earlier I attended the “Unladylike” show by Radhika Vas, where she explained in her one hour...
मेरे बाग़ में वो नीम का पेड़ अब मुझे कुछ मीठा सा लगता है मैंने पुछा उस से, कौतुहलवश,...
The first thing l do in the morning after reaching office is to open the TOI/Thehindu/Rediff websites and read news....
Those days I was getting exceedingly frustrated. I was not starving, had branded clothes in my wardrobe, girls liked me...
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