On 8th April 1857, Parade grounds at Barrackpore, West Bengal witnessed the hanging of Sepoy Mangal Pandey who shot the...
“My brave warrior brothers, our Motherland, this holy land of Mewar, is still under the clutches of the Mughals. Today,...
Most Indians know Shivaji as a great warrior king, but there is much more to Shivaji Maharaj. Shivaji’s story would...
If you are offended by graphic descriptions of sexual activity, please do not read further. He found her alone...
"Why do I feel I am often misunderstood?" asked the inquisitive student to the reticent Master. The Master as usual...
Test your Guru for twenty years from a distance, and only then accept him as a guru. Even when you...
“Do you really care about anything that is happening around, as you remain silent most of the times?” asked the...
Eklavya could have been the best archer that the world has ever seen. He could have been better than Drona,...
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