Ravan, the ten-headed demon king of Lanka, was a learned scholar and a mighty warrior. However, his unrighteous actions overshadowed...
The genocide endured by Hindus in India over an 800-year period under Arab, Turkish, Mughal, and Afghan invaders remains globally...
"India is poised to reach a GDP of up to 4 trillion USD in 2024-25 alone. Japan's economy now stands...
India, the world's largest democracy, is known for its vibrant electoral process, where millions of citizens exercise their right to...
The Martand Sun Temple, nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Jammu & Kashmir, stands as a revered sanctuary dedicated to...
"Swatantrya Veer Savarkar" stands as more than just a cinematic portrayal of India's struggle for independence—it's a powerful narrative that...
The Bhojshala/Kamal Maula Mosque complex in Madhya Pradesh stands as a focal point of contention, with Hindus and Muslims asserting...
The upcoming movie "Razakar – Silent Genocide of Hyderabad" has ignited controversy with its teaser, promising to unveil the historical...
The princely state of Hyderabad, alongside Jammu and Kashmir, posed a significant challenge to the early territorial and political integrity...
The Ramayana, one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, holds immense cultural and religious significance in the...
The Maratha forts, silent sentinels of a bygone era, bear witness to the military acumen and strategic brilliance of the...
Maharaja Kharavela: The Hathigumpha inscriptions, inscribed in Prakrit and Brahmi script, reveal his extraordinary tale. Descendant of the illustrious Mahameghavahana,...
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