The so-called Ambedkarites, who constantly cry about caste discrimination, are ironically the biggest propagators of caste hatred in modern India. While they claim to fight for equality and social justice, their actions reveal their true agenda of spreading division, inciting violence, and fueling resentment against upper-caste Hindus. Their hypocrisy is evident in the relentless abuse, discrimination, and even open calls for violence against Brahmins, Thakurs, and Baniyas, all while demanding special privileges and playing the victim card.
The latest example of Ambedkarite caste hatred was witnessed at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), where members of the Birsa Ambedkar Phule Students’ Association (BAPSA) openly raised genocidal slogans against upper-caste Hindus. The mob chanted hateful slogans like “Tilak, Taraju aur Talwar, inko maaro jute chaar”, which incites violence against Brahmins, Baniyas, and Thakurs, and “Brahman, Baniya, Thakur Chor”, labeling entire communities as thieves.
Such blatant hate speech, which would have sparked national outrage had it been directed at Dalits, goes completely unchecked when the targets are upper-caste Hindus. No legal action has been taken against the perpetrators, further highlighting the double standards in India’s political and judicial system.
तिलक तराजू और तलवार उनको मारो जूते चार
JNU में ब्राह्मण, ठाकुरों और बनियों के खिलाफ लगातार हेट वीडियो आती रहती हैं फिर भी सरकार कोई ठोस कदम नहीं उठाती.
अगर हमें कोई भी व्यक्ति इन मैडम की डिटेल्स देगा तो @ShridharSewa इनके खिलाफ मुकदमा दर्ज कराकर कड़ी कार्रवाई सुनिश्चित करेगा.
— Shubham Sharma (@Shubham_fd) March 14, 2025
“तिलक, तराजू और तलवार, इनको मारो जूते चार”
यह नारा चमार समाज की प्रियंशी आर्या लगा रही हैं।
ये सभी अम्बेडकरवादी संगठन के लोग हैं, जो खुलकर इस नारे का समर्थन कर रहे हैं।
बिहार जैसे नरसंहारों को दोबारा जीवित करने का यह एक प्रयास है।
क्या ये इनके संविधान विरोधी नारे नहीं हैं?
— अभिनय (@ThArthashastra) March 14, 2025
This is not an isolated incident. JNU has long been a breeding ground for anti-Brahmin sentiment. In 2022, walls at JNU’s School of International Studies-II building were defaced with anti-Brahmin slogans, targeting specific professors like Nalin Kumar Mohapatra, Raj Yadav, Pravesh Kumar, and Vandana Mishra. Messages such as “Go back to Shakha” were written to intimidate Brahmins and RSS-affiliated individuals, further proving how caste hatred is systematically normalized in leftist-dominated spaces.
Despite the severity of the threats, JNU authorities merely issued a generic statement blaming “unknown elements” and took no substantial action against the culprits. Such appeasement only emboldens these hate-mongers further. Ambedkarite groups often align with communists and Islamists to intimidate, silence, and attack upper-caste Hindus. While these groups preach about mutual respect and equality, their actions expose their deep-seated casteist hatred.
The modern Ambedkarite movement, which was originally meant to uplift Dalits, has been hijacked by radicals who use caste victimhood as a political weapon. Instead of working towards social harmony, these groups demonize entire communities based on caste, openly incite hatred and violence, and yet face no consequences. Their hypocrisy is undeniable, they claim to fight against caste discrimination while abusing Brahmins, Thakurs, and Baniyas; they demand special privileges but refuse to take accountability for their hate speech; and they brand anyone who questions them as “oppressors” while indulging in the very same caste-based discrimination they claim to oppose. It is time to expose the hypocrisy of the Ambedkarite hate machine, demand legal action against their casteist rhetoric, and reject their false victimhood narrative.