How the BBC Became a Megaphone for N Ram’s Anti-India Lies

How the BBC Became a Megaphone for N Ram’s Anti-India Lies

On March 20, the BBC uploaded an interview with controversial journalist N Ram, a prominent member of the Kasturi family that controls The Hindu newspaper. N Ram has long been a favored figure within India’s Islamo-Leftist ecosystem and is notorious for his blatant anti-Hindu stance. The BBC, an organization with deep ties to USAID, an entity known for its involvement in destabilizing nations chose to platform this dubious journalist to discuss “press freedom” and “media control” in India. Unsurprisingly, the interview was yet another propaganda-laden spectacle of BBC aimed at discrediting the Indian government.

The interview revolved around the same old leftist cry that the current dispensation in India is curtailing free speech and crushing press freedom. It is laughable to hear this from N Ram, whose newspaper The Hindu has been one of the most vocal critics of the BJP-led central government without facing any repercussions. This contradiction alone dismantles the entire argument presented by N Ram in the interview.

During the discussion, when the name of controversial journalist Rana Ayyub surfaced, N Ram wasted no time in showering her with praise, calling her “the bravest journalist around.” It must be remembered that Rana Ayyub is notorious for spreading Islamist propaganda and peddling falsehoods. She authored Gujarat Files – Anatomy of a Coverup, a book that she claimed exposed the truth behind the 2002 Gujarat riots. However, the Supreme Court of India in 2019 dismissed her book as completely devoid of factual substance, labeling it as a work of conjecture, supposition, and lacking any evidentiary value. The highest court of the land made it clear that her book could not be used as credible evidence regarding the events of the Gujarat riots. Yet, N Ram conveniently ignored this fact and continued to glorify a journalist whose credibility has been thoroughly discredited.

N Ram also made the bizarre claim that some regions in India enjoy greater press freedom, citing Tamil Nadu and West Bengal as examples. This assertion is beyond laughable. Tamil Nadu’s ruling party, the DMK, and West Bengal’s ruling party, the TMC, are both known for their authoritarian tendencies and absolute intolerance toward criticism. The media in these states largely function as mouthpieces for the ruling parties, with dissenting journalists facing severe repercussions. If N Ram truly cared about press freedom, he would have called out the rampant suppression of dissent in these states rather than peddling false narratives about the central government.

In a desperate attempt to further malign the Indian government, N Ram also regurgitated the long-debunked allegations that the government used Pegasus spyware to monitor journalists. His only “evidence” for this claim was a report by The Wire, a left-wing propaganda portal notorious for its anti-government and anti- Hindu bias. On July 18, 2021, The Wire alleged that 40 Indian journalists were on a leaked list of individuals targeted by Pegasus spyware. This claim was amplified by The Guardian and other foreign media outlets, creating a massive outcry against the Indian government.

However, these allegations fell apart upon closer scrutiny. The government categorically denied any unauthorized surveillance both in RTI replies and in Parliament. Moreover, the Israeli NSO Group, which developed Pegasus, firmly rejected claims that the leaked list was evidence of actual surveillance. Amnesty International, whose name was initially used to lend credibility to the report, later clarified that they had never stated that those on the list were actually spied upon only that they were “potential targets.” This crucial detail was deliberately ignored by the left-wing media, which continued to push the false narrative.

Further exposing the dubious nature of the Pegasus controversy, the Supreme Court of India, on August 25, 2022, ruled that no conclusive evidence had emerged to support the claim that the Indian government used Pegasus to snoop on individuals. This ruling effectively dismantled the opposition’s baseless allegations, yet leftist propagandists like N Ram continue to peddle the same discredited story to fuel their anti-government agenda.

The Pegasus controversy was nothing more than a manufactured scandal aimed at disrupting India’s democratic processes. The allegations surfaced just a day before the 2021 Monsoon session of Parliament, providing the opposition with an excuse to stall legislative proceedings. It is telling that the opposition continues to flog this dead horse despite the Supreme Court’s ruling debunking the entire conspiracy.

The decision of BBC to interview N Ram is yet another example of how international media collaborates with India’s leftist ecosystem to push a false narrative against the government. N Ram, a habitual peddler of propaganda, shamelessly presented a one-sided and factually bankrupt argument on press freedom in India. His selective outrage, glaring contradictions, and reliance on discredited sources expose his lack of credibility. If anything, this interview was a masterclass in hypocrisy!!

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