Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad President Mahant Ravindra Puri has made a significant claim regarding the stampede that occurred at the Sangam area during the ongoing Mahakumbh in Prayagraj on the midnight of January 28-29, injuring several people. Speaking to ANI, Ravindra Puri stated that most of the information about the stampede was merely rumors. He further mentioned that the Amrit Snan of the Akharas, which was canceled due to the heavy crowd at Sangam, will now resume. There have been reports of multiple injuries in the incident, although official figures are yet to be confirmed. Meanwhile, CM Yogi has appealed to the public not to believe in rumors.
“More Rumors Than Reality”
Addressing the incident, Mahant Ravindra Puri said, “False information was spread in the morning to create fear among people. An attempt was made to scare everyone, and it actually worked—we all initially believed the rumor about the stampede.” He added, “When we later spoke to the media and others, we realized that the situation was different; there were more rumors than facts.” He urged people not to pay attention to misinformation. Earlier, Mahant Puri had claimed that the situation arose because devotees were eager to reach the Sangam Ghat. He advised people to take a holy dip wherever they see the Ganges instead of rushing toward Sangam.
अखिल भारतीय अखाड़ा परिषद का आह्वान अफवाहों पर ध्यान न दें श्रद्धालु.
डर पैदा करने के लिए फैलाई गई अफवाह. अफवाह फैलाने वाले सफल रहे। सुबह जब हमने सभी से बात की तो पाया कि वास्तविकता कुछ और थी और बहुत सारी अफवाहें फैलाई गई थीं – आचार्य रवींद्र पुरी, अध्यक्ष, अखिल भारतीय अखाड़ा… pic.twitter.com/sasYp8V6GI— The Frustrated Indian (@FrustIndian) January 29, 2025
“Amrit Snan of Royal Akharas Will Take Place”
Mahant Ravindra Puri has confirmed that the Amrit Snan of the Akharas, which was postponed due to the overcrowding at the Sangam area, will now take place. He stated, “Our Snan was suspended in the morning due to the massive crowd gathered at the ghats. Now, as the crowd has thinned and the ghats designated for our Snan are clearing up, it seems that all Akharas will be able to perform the Amrit Snan today. All our Mahamandaleshwars, Mandaleshwars, Naga Sadhus, and devotees will take the sacred dip.”
Mahant Puri also mentioned that, as per tradition, processions will be held, albeit on a smaller scale. He assured that they are in regular communication with the official administration.