Acharya Bharat Tiwari, the organizational secretary of the Rashtriya Swarn Parishad has filed an FIR at the Rorawar Police Station in Aligarh against the RJD spokesperson Priyanka Bharti who recently disrespected the Hindu sentiments and tore up Hindu sacred scripture Manusmriti during a television debate for political gains.
On the 18th of December amidst the ‘disrespect to Dr BR Ambedkar’ row which broke out between the various political parties of India. During the debate on India TV, Priyanka Bharti who was among one of the panelists and the spokesperson of RJD, a party known for its muslim appeasement and anti Hindu stance crossed all limits. She made provocative statements against Hindus and went up to tear the sacred text of Hindus, Manusmriti on live television by falsely equating it as an anti-women text.
Bharat Tiwari, the one who filed FIR against her, stated that her actions have deeply hurt the sentiments of Sanatanis. He further mentioned that Priyanka Bharti has no understanding of Sanskrit and vowed to educate her on the subject.
Bharat Tiwari demanded justice by putting Priyanka Bharti in jail at Aligarh soon. The FIR mentions a video from India TV where Priyanka Bharti misled people with false information and incited religious sentiments for TRP and provocation.
The complaint states, “The RJD spokesperson insulted Sanatan Dharma followers by tearing a religious text and attempted to provoke unrest in the country.”
The FIR also refers to another video from TV9 Bharatvarsh, where Priyanka Bharti insulted Hindu religion by claiming that the Manusmriti spreads hatred against women.
She reportedly stated that, according to the text, a menstruating woman’s presence can harm a man’s eyesight.
However, the complainant cited Chapter 4, Shloka 41 of the Manusmriti, which advises against intimate relations with a menstruating woman as it could affect a man’s vitality and health.
The FIR accuses Priyanka Bharti of disrespecting religious texts and hurting the sentiments of millions. It also includes the name of Channel Owners.
Bharat Tiwari highlighted that Priyanka’s actions could lead to riots and labeled the act as sedition, stating that it posed a threat to national harmony. He also accused the channel owners of being complicit. The police have registered the case and initiated an investigation.