In the recent spread of hatred, a video of a man said to be Jamaat-e-Islami linked Maulana Imran Hussain Sirajiis is going viral on X and other social media platforms. In the viral video, Hussain is seen spewing venom against the Hindu community living in Bangladesh. He can be heard inciting the public against the Hindu community ranting that they should not let Hindus stay even on a single inch of land in Bangladesh.
He could be heard saying, “Not a single Hindu will be allowed to live within the 56,000 square miles of Bangladesh.”
While few words are incomprehensible, he could be heard clearly making an anti-India remark saying, “This is not Gujrat of India, This is not Sikkim, this is not Kashmir, this is not Hyderabad. This is the birthplace of Muslims. Yes or No? Not a single Hindu will be allowed to live within the 56,000 square miles of Bangladesh.”
Not a single #Hindu will be allowed to live within the 56,000 square miles of #Bangladesh,” said Jamaat-e-Islami leader Imran Hussain Siraji.@UNHumanRights @hrw @UN #SaveBangladeshiHindus#HindusUnderAttackInBangladesh
— Voice of Bangladeshi Hindus 🇧🇩 (@VHindus71) January 9, 2025
“Not a single Hindu will be allowed to live within the 56,000 square miles of Bangladesh,”
– Says Imran Hussain Siraji, Jamaat-e-Islami leader.#Bangladesh #Hindu #Bangladeshi
— Ashwini Shrivastava (@AshwiniSahaya) January 10, 2025
While the date and place of the hatemongering event is still unclear, Bangladesh under the so-called Interim government of Mohammed Yunus has seen a drastic surge in Hinduphobia, with Islamist forces, rabid anti-Hindu Maulanas making rampant speeches to target the Hindus in increasingly Islamised Bangladesh.
Also Read: Bangladesh: Hindu shop owner Sudev Halder brutally hacked to death
Under the patronage of the Interim adviser, Islamist have been issuing genocidal sermons openly inciting public against Bangladesh Hindus on a daily basis. However, the Interim government choose to incarcerate Hindu priest Chinmoy Krishna Das in October for demanding citizen rights.
Minorities, especially Hindus, have been targeted in Bangladesh since August 2024. TFI have been comprehensively reporting about the ongoing religious persecution of the Hindu community.