Islamo-Leftist Ecosystem’s Alarming Push to Normalize Pedophilia

Girl Child

The Islamo-Leftism ecosystem since long has been trying to get hold of every cube in order to destabilize the pillars that hold a society which will eventually lead to crumbling down of civilization. The reason behind the motive is deeply political as well as religious. On one side where leftist come with the motives of cultural marxism, Islamists attempt to take over the world. Along with many efforts, attempts of normalising Pedophilia too lie in the same final motive. The Islamo-leftist ecosystem have been trying hard to present Pedophilia as normal for a functioning society. 

Recently, a video of Mohammed Hijab, a known Islamist is spreading across the social media platforms where he is seen attempting to portray pedophilia as nothing wrong.He attempts to argue that pedophilia is subjective and varies based on the physical development of prepubescent children. He mentioned in the video that having sexual intercourse with a 13 year old child who has got ‘huge hips’ and ‘huge breasts’ is completely normal and not morally wrong. The same argument could be witnessed coming out of the mouth of many of the Islamist. Islamists love for pedophilia is not hidden from  the wrong. Accompanying Islamists are the Wokes who try to normalise Pedophilia by keeping them in the same line with Homosexuality. Leftists argue that Pedophilia is nothing but a different sexual orientation same as of Homosexuals. 

A few years back while speaking at the TEDx talk at the University of Würzburg, psychologist Mirjam Heine portrayed pedophiles as misunderstood individuals deserving compassion. Using a fictional character, Jonas, Heine framed pedophilia as a sexual orientation, distinct from child sexual abuse, and argued that societal stigma exacerbates the risks of abuse by isolating individuals with such tendencies.

Heine’s proposal to increase tolerance for pedophiles aligns with advocacy methods that could be witnessed in LGBT movements, where visibility is championed as a solution to stigma. However, this argument ignores a critical distinction: homosexuality and heterosexuality involve informed consent, whereas pedophilia inherently involves exploitation of minors.

The push to normalize pedophilia is not new. In 2006, the Netherlands allowed a pedophile political party to contest elections, promoting the legalization of child pornography and lowering the age of consent to 12. Advocacy groups like “Virtuous Pedophiles” claim to oppose child sexual abuse while demanding societal acceptance for non-offending pedophiles.

Apologists often assert that children can provide informed consent and even benefit from relationships with pedophiles. Efforts to distinguish between “good” and “bad” pedophiles further blur lines, dangerously shifting public discourse.

Individuals like Todd Nickerson who publicly identify as a pedophile, frame their condition as misunderstood rather than harmful in order to get victim treatment.  Efforts to rebrand pedophiles as “minor-attracted persons” (MAPs) represent another step in this troubling direction. 

Statistics indicate that child sexual abuse is often perpetrated by someone known to the child, and children feeling uncared for are at greater risk. Children are typically ill-equipped to understand or articulate their abuse, emphasizing the importance of having age-specific consent laws. As the brain develops until the mid-20s, underage individuals cannot provide informed consent. 

The Islamo-Leftist dream of normalising Pedophilia must be crushed by the society in order to save its children from getting sexually abused and that too legally. Individuals like Mohammed Hijab and Todd Nickerson must be kept in check to try to get their sickening thoughts public.

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