In the wee hours of Monday (6th January 2025), a Special Investigation Team (SIT) arrested Congress leader Suresh Chandrakar, the main accused in the murder of Chhattisgarh based journalist Mukesh Chandrakar. The team apprehended the accused from Hyderabad. In the meantime, the autopsy report of the deceased journalist has revealed grisly details of torture. As per the autopsy, there are 15 fractures to his head, the neck was broken and the accused had also ripped his heart out.
As per initial investigation details, Congress leader and a contractor by profession, Suresh Chandrakar is said to be the mastermind behind Mukesh Chandrakar’s murder. Incidentally, the deceased journalist had exposed his alleged corruption. Suresh, the alleged mastermind, had been absconding ever since the crime came to the fore on 3rd January.
From the postmortem of Mukesh Chandrakar, the doctors found four pieces of liver, five ribs were broken. His neck was broken and the body has 15 fractures to the head. The chilling details don’t end here as the autopsy also found that his heart was being ripped out. We have not seen such a case in our 12-year-old careers, Doctors have been quoted saying in India Today report.
As per the doctors, there must have been more than two persons involved in this barbaric incident.
Mukesh’s body was found in a Septic tank in Suresh’s premises
The body of Mukesh Chandrakar, a TV journalist from the Bastar region of Chhattisgarh was found in the septic tank on the premises of a Congress leader in Bijapur on 3rd January. Prior to the incident, Mukesh had exposed him for corruption in Chhattisgarh
Apart from Suresh Chandrakar, the Police have arrested three others in his murder case.
Mukesh had been missing since 1st Jan night. He had conducted an investigation against Suresh Chandrakar and exposed the alleged irregularities in a Rs 120-crore road construction project in Bastar.
Following his expose, the BJP government in the state launched a probe into the contractor’s activities.
Yukesh Chandrakar, the elder brother of Mukesh, filed a missing person report as his
the phone had remained switched off. The development took place after Suresh Chandrakar’s brother, Ritesh arranged a meeting at one of the contractor’s properties.