India’s Got Latent Dress Cutting Row: Not anti-Patriarchy, women’s autonomy surrendered to Wokeism

India's Got Latent Row: From Smash Patriarchy to Woke Slavery

India's Got Latent Row: From Smash Patriarchy to Woke Slavery

Samay Raina’s, India’s Got Latent, show recently hosted a woman called Priyanka Halder,a soft porn actress. As part of an act, a Muslim man named Adil Hussain who works as a costume designer, cut her dress and transformed her looks as a skilled craftsman would. It was being done on stage, and everyone was enjoying it.

It turns out that Priyanka is the wife of a railway employee and has a 15-year-old son. Even though the hosts of the show knew it, they acted surprised on camera. According to Priyanka, her husband does not know it, which seems tough to believe.

Radical feminists would love to call it freedom and autonomy of a woman. The traditional feminists would somewhat side with the sensible faction but still defend her, and if pushed harder, they would turn out to be the same radical feminists in traditional attire.

The common theme here is her consent and autonomy to get it done by anyone she likes. The same logic holds true for one-night stands, adultery, drinking alcohol, cigarettes, birth control, abortion, road rage, and whatnot. The narrative around women’s autonomy in woke literature is tilted towards treating them as a species different from society.

Former CJI D.Y. Chandrachud’s decriminalisation of adultery judgment is even based on the idea that just because a woman is married does not mean that she is bound to be committed to him. In meme terms, it is autonomy ultra pro max.

But autonomy is not just a single theme behind all the above examples. The second and most problematic commonality is that women are being molded in the eyes of bad men. 

Yes, their decisional autonomy is not their autonomy but, in fact, the wishes of a few bad men who are somewhat at the top of the narrative-building industrial complex in India.

Traditional societal standards searched for women and men who are spiritually evolved and found solace in spirit rather than the body. The logic behind this was recently provided by Sadhvi Ritambhara, who said that children of such spouses tend to be stronger, conscious, hard-working, and strong in mind and body.

Any person falling for the trap of worldly pleasures is simply not fit enough to nurture a strong family. The societal setup, which some might want to deem patriarchal, was built on a human consciousness model set by evolved good men and women.

Obviously, the bad men whose culture treats women as chattel and objects to consume would not like such women. For them, an ideal woman is adulterous and ready to serve everyone except her family. The same holds true for their idea of men.

They are now at the top of the mind-wash machines and openly promote such ideas in the name of wokeism. The first step towards bringing someone into their fold is convincing them that their families are old-school and not able to cope with changing times. In their narrative, a woman taking care of her house is slavery, while serving corporate interests is emancipation.

A few decades of brainwash have changed this world into one where teenagers have lost faith in the beautiful sentiment around love. We now have women like Priyanka Halder living happily with an understanding husband but deciding to look the other way because the woke mind virus has taught that disrespecting a husband is okay.

She would probably understand when her teenage son disrespects her, but in all likelihood, that kid has not been allowed to develop a spine of his own. Parents of such children push them towards video games while keeping themselves busy in a nihilist utopia.

Halder is just the tip of the iceberg. People suffering from such diseases have convinced themselves that they are part of a revolution and are doing something humanity never succeeded in doing. This is the hypothetical utopia that resulted in communist-inflicted genocides everywhere around the world.

Any argument with the average woke on these issues turns into aggressive rants on unrelated topics since they have never learned to focus on one topic and go deeply into it. That is normal if their role model is an activist like Greta Thunberg, who became a star for doing nothing.

In the woke world, any departure from the norm is celebrated. The woke world is no different from the world they claim to overcome. It is simply the process of reversing the so-called hierarchy of morality and treating nihilistic persons as ideal humans while a man or woman working for their country is called by different slurs and pejoratives.

Consequently, here is the reality. 

We have children who lose faith in love or any good thing at the age of 15. We have men and women who think starting families is their last priority in the world. We have traditional men who are scared of getting married due to a deranged culture. We have good people not feeling secure about their own future.

We have high-net-worth individuals wanting to destroy all their money in useless nihilism. We have poor people who are being told that they need not take personal responsibility and can get rich through nefarious means. We have professors telling children that each one of the above vices is actually a virtue.

This is all we are down to, all thanks to wokeism.

Woke is a beautiful word. It means someone who has woken after understanding the world in its true sense. It may seem farcical now, but Neo in The Matrix was a woke character who was enlightened by love for humanity. 

A world of billions of Neos was supposed to be a fairytale of Happy families, virtuous spouses, cultured children, and everything.

The reality is different, though. In the real woke world, we have people devoid of any virtue. They have no sense of morality. They do not want to fight for any cause. They have lost every ounce of sensibility by the time they turn 25. 

The structure of society is breathing its last as cheating becomes the norm, leading to a loss of faith in significant institutions.

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