Amid rising Hinduphobia, the Hindu society was in desperate need for a platform that can compile the incidents of Hinduphobia or Anti-Hindu violence in order to bring forward a clear picture in front of the world regarding the rising Hindu Hate crimes. In such crucial times, the Gavishti Foundation, an NGO led by the Nupur J. Sharma and Rahul Roushan of OpIndia, have introduced the Hinduphobia Tracker, a pioneering initiative to document and raise awareness about religiously motivated hate crimes against Hindus. The tracker aims to highlight incidents of persecution faced by Hindus both in India and globally, while advocating for their human rights.
The Hinduphobia Tracker’s primary objectives include compiling a transparent and accurate record of hate crimes against Hindus, releasing research papers, and fostering awareness about Hinduphobia. At its launch, the tracker database recorded 1,314 confirmed hate crimes against Hindus since January 1, 2023.
The tracker is categorized into eight primary hate crime types, meticulously defined using international conventions. Each case includes explanations to establish its classification as a religiously motivated hate crime. Users can access the data through an interactive homepage featuring a Hate Crime Map. Each recorded incident is plotted on the map, with clickable symbols providing summaries and detailed links for each case.
While the map is centered on India, it can also be panned and zoomed out to view global hate crimes. Scrolling further, users can view statistics, charts, and key articles related to Hinduphobia and the tracker’s mission.
The Hate Crime Database section allows users to search and filter crimes by category, date, or keywords. Details for each incident, including case summaries and explanations, are available by clicking the respective entries. Every case is assigned a unique ID for reference.
The tracker also invites public participation to refine its accuracy and scope. Users can report new hate crimes through a form accessible via the “Report Hate Crime” option on the website’s navigation bar. This form requires crime details, supporting evidence (e.g., newspaper clippings, FIRs, videos), and user credentials.
Currently focused on incidents from January 2023 onward, the database plans to expand its coverage. With its transparent methodology and public scrutiny features.
While the release of Hinduphobia tracker brought a wave of happiness and hope around Hindus, the initiative was also accompanied by the meltdown of the Islamo-Leftist Hinduphobic lobby. While some tried to cancel out the initiate by trying to call it misleading and propaganda, others resorted to abuse the founders of the noble initiative to get some moments of relief. Twitter user @Lekhakanurag, and senior member at OpIndia, compiled the tweets of Hinduphobic handles who lost their brains looking at the release of Hinduphobia Tracker.
With @hinduphobia_tr now live, the anticipated wave of hate, trolling, and mocking towards @UnSubtleDesi, @rahulroushan, and the platform has begun to pour in. This thread is dedicated to highlighting such hateful replies, comments, emails, and posts.
As expected,…
— Anurag (@LekhakAnurag) December 7, 2024
Nupur J Sharma herself posted an abusing mail that came to her where Hinduphobe used the submission system of the Hinduphobia tracker website to abuse her.
X user Kiyani H (Username- @Hinnaaslam) tried to term the Hinduphobia Tracker as some kind of propaganda as it has been founded by Hindus.
Khursheed (username: @withsheedu_011) got irked by watching the launch of Hinduphobia tracker and in frustration tried to peddle the same old muslim persecution propaganda.
Some accounts tried to mock the data presented in the Hinduphobia tracker as highlights more cases in BJP ruled states. It has been announced by the founders of Hinduphobia tracker that it is in its initial stages and the website also states the under review stand of more than 500 cases.
The meltdown won’t do much good for the Hinduphobic ecosystem. The Hinduphobia Tracker will stand as a vital tool in documenting and addressing anti-Hindu hate crimes while advocating for justice and equality for the Hindu community. The Hindu society must thank the Founder and the Editor-in-Chief of Opindia, Rahul Roushan and Nupur Sharma to come up with the initiative the Hindus were in dying need of.