Army Officers Assaulted: Who Protects Our Protectors?

Negligence Unveiled: Army Officers Assaulted, Woman friend molested – A Tragic Reminder of Police Inaction

As news of the brutal assault of two Army officers and the gang rape of their female friend near Mhow Cantt comes to light, one can’t help but wonder: What were the police doing all this time? The incident, which took place near Jam Gate, a popular tourist destination, could have been prevented with the simplest of measures-police patrolling. But they were absent, and their negligence has once again allowed innocent lives to be shattered.


This isn’t just any crime-it’s an assault on the very people who protect us day in and day out, our Army personnel. We ask the question: Is this the kind of protection we offer them in return? While they stand guard at our borders, shielding us from external threats, who is there to shield them from the dangers lurking within our own country? Why are our protectors so vulnerable when they’re off duty, away from their posts, just trying to enjoy a night out like any other civilian?


The police inaction is not just a failure of duty, it’s a betrayal. A known tourist spot like Jam Gate should have constant surveillance, especially at night. So, why wasn’t there any patrolling? Were the police waiting for another brutal crime before springing into action? It’s a question that hangs heavily in the air, a question that demands an answer. If proper patrolling had been in place, this tragedy could have been avoided. The six assailants who attacked the officers and brutally violated their female companion might never have had the opportunity to carry out their heinous acts.


Do our soldiers, who risk their lives for the country, deserve this kind of treatment within their own boarders? Does any woman deserve the constant fear of walking alone, even in a relatively safe place like a tourist spot? The lack of police presence in areas like these makes every civilian, not just Army personnel, a sitting duck for criminals.


We, as a society, need to ask ourselves: Is this the safety we deserve? Should we continue to tolerate such gross negligence from those whose primary duty is to deserve? Should we continue to tolerate such gross negligence from those whose primary duty is to protect us? While we hold our Army to the highest standards, it’s time we start holding our law enforcement to the same level of accountability. Their absence has left yet another deep scar on the soul of this country. And it’s one that could have easily been prevented.

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