India’s proposal to revisit Indus Waters Treaty may disturb Pakistan

Baglihar Hydroelectric Power Project is build across the Chenab River at Doda district of Jammu and Kashmir, India

India seeking review of the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty could rattle Pakistan even if it had fair idea that it was coming.

Pakistan’s unabated support to terrorist organizations to create problems in India is clearly one of the reasons that may have prompted the Narendra Modi government to review and modify the decades old water sharing agreement between the two neighboring countries.

The Narendra Modi government, however, has made it clear that India, in the changed scenario, would have to review and modify the Indus Waters Treaty in the interest of its people.

Earlier in the day, it was reported that India had already sent a formal notice to Pakistan asking for review of the pact in the backdrop of the changed realty.

India sent the notification to Pakistan on August 30.

Modi, ever since he took over as the Prime Minister of India in 2014, had been expressing his desire to get the water sharing pact reviewed.

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