Has Modi shaken world bodies to reforms?

With Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressing the need to update global institutions, saying reforms are the “key to relevance”, India has acknowledged that the UN Pact for the Future goes further than any document on the question of Security Council reform.

Earlier this week, Modi, while addressing the United Nations Summit of the Future at the UN General Assembly in New York, had called for reforms in the world bodies.

“For the first time, the entire UN membership, through the Pact for the Future that was adopted, has agreed on a pathway to transform global governance. And it is expected that this will provide some momentum to the processes that are already underway in many of these areas within the UN system,” Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri said briefing press after the Prime Minister addressed the summit.

Talking about if India felt more confident about the prospect of reform with the new language in the pact, the Indian official said that it was the first time that a UN document had an entire paragraph on UN reform.


“It may not have every single detail in every area that we would imagine or we would like there to be, but I think it’s a good beginning. And we look forward eventually to the beginning of text-based negotiations in a fixed time frame going forward. But this should be seen as the first stop towards that objective.”

Voices for reforms in the global institutions such as the UN and others are getting lauder with every now and then world leaders realizing the need to update them for larger good of the world.


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