Canada Surges as Top Route for Indians Entering the US

Canada has increasingly become the preferred gateway for Indians seeking illegal entry into the United States, overtaking the traditional US-Mexico border route. Recent data from US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) highlights this shift, revealing a record number of Indians using the Canada route. In June 2024 alone, 5,152 Indians attempted to cross into the US via Canada, marking a sharp increase compared to previous years.

Between January and June 2024, the number of Indians apprehended at the US-Canada border surged by 47% from the previous year, illustrating a broader trend. This rise has propelled undocumented Indian migrants to become the third-largest group of such migrants in the US.

Several factors contribute to this shift. Canada’s relatively accessible visa policies make it easier for Indians to secure entry permits compared to the more stringent requirements of other countries. Many see a Canadian visa as a stepping stone to the US, taking advantage of Canada’s expansive and less fortified border.

The US-Canada border, the longest undefended border in the world at over 9,000 kilometers, offers numerous less-guarded stretches. This makes it a more viable option for migrants compared to the heavily secured US-Mexico border. Gaurav Khanna, an assistant professor of economics, points out that these less-secured stretches of the Canadian border make it a preferred choice for those aiming to enter the US.

The so-called “dunki routes,” which involve risky and complex pathways through regions like West Asia or Africa, present greater dangers. The Canada route is viewed as a safer alternative. Political scientist Shinder Purewal highlights that Canada’s easier visa access and the less fortified border make it an attractive option for those seeking the American Dream.

However, this route is not without peril. In February 2022, an Indian family of four tragically died near the US-Canada border after becoming lost in a blizzard, underscoring the dangers involved.

The desire for a better life in the US continues to drive this migration trend. Many attempting the journey come from middle-class families in states like Gujarat and Punjab, often selling assets to fund their journey in hopes of better economic opportunities.

As Canada increasingly becomes a major transit point for Indian migrants, authorities face the challenge of managing the growing influx and addressing the complexities of this migration pattern.

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