Sama Sikander: A Beacon of Inspiration

In the dazzling world of Bollywood, Sama Sikander’s name needs no introduction. She is not just an actress, but has become an inspiration for those Muslim girls who aspire to balance their faith and career. Sama has shared a unique secret to her success, which has set her apart from others.

Sama Sikander prays not five times, but seven times a day. This practice is part of her personal and spiritual discipline. Her faith has given her the mental and spiritual strength to reach great heights in her career. Her film ‘Sexaholic’ not only made waves among the audience but also established her as a successful artist.

Initially, her parents thought that Sama had fallen under the influence of a jinn. However, when she started praying seven times instead of five, things changed. Positivity entered her life, and her career began to soar.

Today, Sama Sikander stands as an example for all Muslim girls striving to make a name for themselves. She believes that if all Muslim girls pray seven times instead of five and keep their hearts open, not only will their lives improve, but the world will also become a better place. Sama’s story is a testament to the fact that with faith and hard work, any dream can be realized.

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