These Kind of Videos are Making You Gain Weight, Everyday!

Reels, Food

In today’s digital age, food-related content has become increasingly popular across various platforms. From enticing food reels on social media to engaging cooking shows on television, these visual delights captivate audiences worldwide. However, recent studies suggest that excessive consumption of such content may have unintended consequences on our eating habits and weight.

The Allure of Food Reels

Social media platforms, particularly Instagram, have seen a surge in food-related content. Food reels, short videos showcasing mouthwatering dishes and cooking processes, have gained significant traction. Content creators have recognized the potential of these videos, as viewers find it challenging to scroll past without watching.

Kevin Zingkhai, a popular content creator with a substantial following, notes the addictive nature of food videos. He attributes their success to the step-by-step presentation and the connection to our innate food cravings. “Food reels are a gold mine!” Zingkhai exclaims, highlighting their ability to capture and retain viewers’ attention.

The Impact of Food Reels on Our Brains and Bodies

Viewing food reels frequently can trigger our brain’s pleasure centers, similar to addictive substances. This constant exposure may lead to increased cravings and influence our eating behaviors. Shivangi Rajput, a counseling psychologist, explains that watching numerous food reels can make us more likely to seek out and consume the types of foods we see.

Research published in Brain and Cognition revealed that simply looking at food images could increase ghrelin levels, a hormone responsible for signaling hunger to our brains. This phenomenon can make us crave food even when we’re not physically hungry. Consequently, the more food reels we watch, the more likely we are to experience these artificial hunger pangs.

Food Reels and Weight Gain

The connection between watching food reels and potential weight gain is multifaceted:

1. Increased screen time: Endless scrolling through food reels can lead to extended periods of inactivity.
2. Disrupted appetite signals: Prolonged inactivity can interfere with normal hunger cues, potentially causing overeating.
3. Influence on food choices: Constant exposure to indulgent foods may impact our dietary decisions.

Moreover, the visual appeal of food reels often showcases rich, calorie-dense dishes that may not align with balanced nutrition. This constant exposure to tempting foods can make it challenging to maintain a healthy diet.

The Cooking Show Effect

It’s not just social media content that can affect our weight. A 2015 study published in Appetite found a correlation between watching cooking shows and higher BMIs among women who prepared the featured recipes. Participants who frequently cooked from scratch after watching these shows had a higher average weight compared to those who watched but didn’t cook as often.

This finding underscores the importance of being mindful about the recipes we choose to recreate from both food reels and cooking shows. Often, these dishes prioritize visual appeal and taste over nutritional value.

Balancing Food Media Consumption

While it’s tempting to indulge in food reels and cooking shows, maintaining a healthy balance is crucial. Here are some tips:

1. Diversify your feed: Follow accounts that promote healthier food habits and showcase nutritious recipes.
2. Limit exposure: Reduce time spent viewing appetizing but unhealthy food content.
3. Cook mindfully: When trying recipes from shows or food reels, focus on healthier options and consider modifying ingredients.
4. Listen to your body: Pay attention to hunger cues rather than portion sizes seen on screen.
5. Stay active: Prioritize physical activity over extended screen time spent watching food reels.

Food Reels as Inspiration for Healthy Eating

Not all food media consumption is detrimental. You can use food reels as inspiration for healthier cooking:

1. Save nutritious recipes: Bookmark wholesome dishes to try later.
2. Adapt indulgent recipes: Modify rich recipes from food reels to make them healthier.
3. Learn new techniques: Use food reels to improve your cooking skills and experiment with healthier ingredients.
4. Explore diverse cuisines: Food reels can introduce you to nutritious dishes from various cultures.

The Future of Food Reels

As awareness grows about the potential impact of food reels on eating habits, we may see a shift in content creation. Some influencers are already focusing on creating food reels that promote balanced nutrition and mindful eating. This trend could help mitigate the negative effects of food media consumption while still providing entertaining and informative content.


Food reels have undoubtedly transformed the way we consume culinary content. While they offer entertainment and inspiration, it’s crucial to approach them with awareness. By understanding the potential influence of food reels on our eating habits and weight, we can make informed decisions about our media consumption and dietary choices.

Remember, moderation is key. Enjoy the visual feast of food reels, but balance it with a healthy lifestyle. By doing so, we can harness the positive aspects of food media while minimizing its potential negative impacts on our well-being.

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