It will require significant effort from Biden’s successor to repair restore America’s global position.

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Joe Biden’s presidency has been marked by a mix of significant achievements and notable failures. On July 21, Biden decided to step down from his re-election campaign, a move that seemed inevitable as age had clearly affected his performance. This decision signals the nearing end of one of the most unusual presidential terms in American history.

The Decision to Step Down

Biden’s decision to withdraw from the re-election race, if it was indeed his choice, is considered wise by many. It spares both him and the public from further embarrassments. For nearly two years, it was apparent that Biden struggled to fulfill the demanding role of President. His frequent verbal missteps and policy indecisions have had global repercussions, tarnishing America’s image as a global leader.

Strong Beginnings

Interestingly, Biden’s presidency started on a strong note. On his first day in office in January 2021, he canceled the Keystone XL crude oil pipeline between Canada and America. This move was a significant victory for environmentalists but upset those in the oil industry. It demonstrated decisive action early in his term.

Bold Moves in Foreign Policy

Biden’s administration then took a bold step by engaging with China in a high-level meeting in Anchorage, Alaska. The meeting was noted for its contentious nature, but it allowed America to assert a strong foreign policy stance. Secretary of State Antony Blinken declared that America’s relationship with China would be competitive, collaborative, and adversarial as needed. This approach was more aggressive than that of Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump.

In May 2021, Biden surprised many by lifting sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project from Russia to Germany. This decision was controversial, as some believed it reduced America’s leverage over Russia. However, it did lead to a rise in oil prices, benefiting the American economy by boosting domestic oil and gas production.

The Afghanistan Withdrawal

By summer 2021, Biden’s presidency began to falter. The expedited withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan was chaotic and poorly planned, leading to the Taliban quickly regaining control. This move undid years of efforts to build democracy in Afghanistan and left a power vacuum that  China or Pakistan could exploit. It also complicated India’s strategic concerns in the region.

Energy Policy Gamble

In late 2021, Biden attempted to transform America into a major exporter of oil and gas, a strategy originally conceived by Trump. This was intended to control energy prices and reduce inflation. However, this plan was fraught with contradictions and ultimately failed. The West’s breach with Russia presented an opportunity for America to become Europe’s main energy supplier, but the execution was flawed.

The Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Biden’s handling of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in February 2022 has been widely criticized. His approach, including imposing severe sanctions on Russia, led to economic turmoil in Europe and energy shortages. Meanwhile, countries like China and India took advantage of discounted Russian oil, avoiding the inflation that hit other nations. This situation strained relations between Europe and America, affecting political dynamics across Europe.

Global Impact

The fallout from Biden’s policies has had profound global effects. Forcing Russia’s hand has weakened the Bretton Woods system, established by Western powers after World War II. This has fueled multipolarity and diminished America’s standing on the world stage. It will require significant political effort from Biden’s successor to repair these damages and restore America’s global position.


As Joe Biden steps back from the limelight, he leaves behind a mixed legacy. His presidency saw moments of decisive action and significant policy moves, but also glaring missteps with far-reaching consequences. The next president faces the daunting task of rebuilding America’s reputation and addressing the challenges left in Biden’s wake.

ALSO READ: What does Joe Biden’s Withdrawal Means for Democrats? Who is Kamala Harris?

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