Exposure of Rahul Gandhi’s anti-Hindu mentality

Anti-Hindu mentality, BJP, Congress, Hindu society, Rahul Gandhi

Last week in Parliament, Rahul Gandhi made it clear where he stands on Hinduism. His statements and actions suggest an anti-Hindu mindset. He misused Hindu symbols by showing a picture of Lord Shiva and trying to link the ‘Abhay Mudra’ with the Congress party’s election symbol. This is seen as an attempt to divide and weaken the Hindu community from within.

Importance of the Statement in Gujarat

Recently, in a speech in Gujarat, Rahul Gandhi said, “By defeating the BJP in Ayodhya, the INDIA alliance defeated the Ram Temple movement started by BJP senior leader LK Advani. What I am saying is a big thing… Congress and INDI defeated them in Ayodhya.” This statement is not only an insult to the struggle of the Hindu community but also disrespects the hundreds of Hindus who sacrificed their lives for the Ram Temple.

Political Use of Hindu Symbols

Rahul Gandhi showing a picture of Lord Shiva in Parliament and linking the Congress party’s symbol with the ‘Abhay Mudra’ is a clear attempt to deceive Hindus. The ‘Abhay Mudra’, which symbolizes abandoning fear and avoiding spreading fear, has been misused by Rahul Gandhi to confuse the Hindu community.

Statements Against the Hindu Community

In his Parliament speech, Rahul Gandhi claimed that those who call themselves Hindus always spread violence and hatred. When several Hindu MPs objected, he said his statement was against the BJP and RSS, who, according to him, are not Hindus. This statement is not only misleading but also an attempt to divide the Hindu community.

Introduction of ‘Dhimmi’ Mentality

The term ‘Dhimmi’ is taken from Islamic history and law, where non-Muslim minorities are given some protection under Islamic rule but live under its dominance. Rahul Gandhi has proven through his statements and actions that he fears the opinions of minority communities and neglects the interests of the Hindu community.

Proof of Anti-Hindu Mindset

Another example of Rahul Gandhi’s anti-Hindu mindset was seen last year in a conversation with Christian pastor George Ponnaiah. During the Bharat Jodo Yatra, Rahul Gandhi asked Ponnaiah if ‘Jesus Christ is a form of God.’ Ponnaiah replied, “He is the real God… God revealed himself as a man, a real person… not like a power… so we see a human person.” If Rahul Gandhi were a true Hindu, he would have reacted to this, but he remained silent.

Contradiction on ‘Shakti’

In a rally in Mumbai this February, Rahul Gandhi opposed the term ‘Shakti’. He said, “There is a term Shakti in Hinduism. We are fighting against a Shakti.” Here, he was pointing to the BJP. Why use the term ‘Shakti’ instead of mentioning a political enemy raises questions.

Softness Towards Muslim League

Last year, during a tour in the US, Rahul Gandhi said that his Kerala ally, the Muslim League, is a completely secular party. This statement is about the party that divided the country on communal lines. It is clear that Rahul Gandhi wants to please his minority allies at any cost, even if it harms the Hindu community.


Rahul Gandhi’s misuse of Hindu symbols and statements against the Hindu community reveal his anti-Hindu mindset. This is not just a political move but an attempt to divide and weaken the Hindu community. The Hindu community needs to be cautious of these tactics and unite to protect their interests. Understanding and rejecting Rahul Gandhi’s policies and statements is necessary to safeguard the self-respect and existence of the Hindu community.

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