Will Uddhav Thackeray Join the BJP? Thackeray firmly stated, ……?

Uddhav Thackrey, shiv Sena, Maharashtra, BJP, Eknath Shinde, Trending, Politics, Political News, Political News Today, thackray

Following speculations about the former Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray’s Shiv Sena (UBT) potentially aligning with the BJP, Thackeray made his stance clear. He asserted that he will “never” join forces with those who attempted to dismantle Shiv Sena.

Thackeray’s Strong Stand

During the 58th foundation day celebration of Shiv Sena in Mumbai, Thackeray firmly stated, “We will never go with those who tried to finish off the Shiv Sena.” He also criticized the BJP, accusing it of forsaking Hindutva and characterizing the party’s version of Hindutva as “regressive.” This comment highlights Thackeray’s commitment to maintaining the core values and principles of Shiv Sena, distancing his faction from what he perceives as the BJP’s divergent ideology.

The Shiv Sena Split in 2022

In 2022, a significant political crisis in Maharashtra led to a division within Shiv Sena. Around 40 lawmakers, including Eknath Shinde, lost faith in Uddhav Thackeray’s leadership. This resulted in the formation of two factions within the party. Shinde, along with these lawmakers, formed a new party in alliance with the BJP, taking over the Maharashtra government. Consequently, the original Shiv Sena’s name and symbol were allocated to Shinde’s faction, while Uddhav’s faction was renamed Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray).

The split in Shiv Sena was a critical moment in Maharashtra’s political history. It not only divided one of the state’s most influential parties but also reshaped the political landscape. The Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government, which was a coalition of Shiv Sena, the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), and the Congress, faced a significant setback. The departure of key lawmakers weakened the coalition, leading to its eventual downfall.

BJP’s Position in Maharashtra

Union Minister Piyush Goyal addressed rumors about a leadership change within the BJP’s Maharashtra unit. Despite the party’s poor performance in the recent Lok Sabha elections, Goyal denied any discussions or plans regarding new leadership. Speculations suggested Rao Saheb Patil might become the state president, but Goyal confirmed that no such decisions had been made during the party’s core committee meeting.

This denial from Goyal comes at a time when the BJP is under scrutiny for its performance in Maharashtra. The party’s decision to stick with its current leadership despite electoral setbacks indicates a strategy focused on internal stability and continuity. The BJP’s approach seems to be to reassess and strengthen its grassroots support rather than making immediate leadership changes.

Maharashtra Lok Sabha Poll Results

In the recent Maharashtra Lok Sabha elections, the BJP experienced a significant decline, securing only nine seats compared to 23 in the 2019 polls. Their vote share stood at 26.18 percent. Meanwhile, the Congress slightly improved its performance, winning 13 seats. The Shiv Sena, allied with the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), secured seven and one seat respectively, contributing to the NDA’s total of 17 seats. Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray) won nine seats, while the NCP – Sharadchandra Pawar secured eight seats.

The election results reflect a shifting political dynamic in Maharashtra. The BJP’s reduced seat count and vote share indicate a decline in its influence, while the Congress and the NCP have made modest gains. The performance of Shiv Sena (UBT) with nine seats showcases Uddhav Thackeray’s faction’s resilience despite the internal split. The overall outcome suggests that voters are reconsidering their options, leading to a more fragmented and competitive political environment.


The clear message from Uddhav Thackeray emphasizes his commitment to maintaining independence identity. His criticism of BJP and refusal to align with them underscores the deep-seated rift and the party’s future trajectory. Thackeray’s leadership is focused on preserving the legacy and core values of Shiv Sena, even as the political landscape in Maharashtra remains dynamic.

The political scenario in Maharashtra is poised for further developments as parties navigate their alliances and strategies. The future of the party, under Uddhav Thackeray’s leadership, will likely continue to be a significant factor in the state’s politics. Observers will be keenly watching how these dynamics unfold, particularly with upcoming elections and potential shifts in party alliances.

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