The “C” factor behind the unprecedented result: Loksabha Election 2024

BJP, NDA, INDI, Congress, Loksabha Elections 2024, Loksabha Election Results 2024, Trending, Politics, ECI

The narrative of ‘Abki Bar 400 Paar’ was fervently promoted, creating an atmosphere of expectation and anticipation surrounding the BJP’s electoral performance. Initially projected to secure over 350 seats, the BJP now faces the challenge of attaining even 240 seats.

Complacency in Voter Behavior

This shift cannot be attributed to a lack of trust from citizens, but rather stems from the complacency of BJP supporters. Many voters assumed the BJP’s victory was assured, overlooking the importance of their individual votes.This complacency echoes the scenario witnessed during Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s campaign in 1998, where supporters presumed Vajpayee Ji’s victory was inevitable and consequently neglected to vote diligently.

History Repeats

However, history demonstrates that every vote holds significance in determining the outcome of an election. Just as the collective support propelled Vajpayee to victory in 1998, the absence of individual voter engagement risks jeopardizing the BJP’s electoral aspirations. Hence, it is imperative for BJP supporters to recognize the pivotal role their votes play in shaping the political landscape, ensuring the realization of the party’s electoral objectives.

The Heatwave Excuse

One of the reasons, or we could say excuses, given for not casting votes was the heatwave. However, this raises an important question: why did the heatwave only seem to deter BJP supporters from voting, while anti-BJP voters appeared unaffected and turned out in large numbers?


Complacency, often stemming from a sense of overconfidence and underestimation of opposition strength, played a crucial role. The ruling party, buoyed by its previous successes and the narrative of “400 PAAR”, may have presumed that its popularity and achievements would naturally translate into votes. This led to a lack of rigorous campaigning and engagement with voters at the grassroots level. Many assumed that their track record alone would suffice to secure another term, neglecting the changing dynamics and emerging voter concerns.

Strategic Opposition Planning

Additionally, the neck-and-neck competition faced by the NDA is undoubtedly a result of meticulous planning in all states where a strong opposition party exists, excluding Andhra Pradesh. The pattern indicates that Anti-BJP voters have cast their votes in large numbers for the party they believed had the power to defeat the BJP, regardless of any differences they may have had with that party. Essentially, anti-BJP supporters this time have not voted for the party they prefer, but for the party they felt could defeat the BJP.

Approach of the Opposition

Moreover, opposition parties, learning from past mistakes, capitalized on this complacency. They united more strategically, addressed local issues more effectively, and mobilized the youth and first-time voters with innovative campaigns. The ruling party’s failure to adapt to the evolving political landscape and address the discontent brewing among certain voter segments further eroded their support base.

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