Naseeruddin Shah’s big statement on Modi, also gave advice to Muslims

Naseeruddin shah, Narendra Modi, Modi, Muslim, Hindu, Hijab, EDucation, Trending, India

Renowned Indian cinema actor Naseeruddin Shah expressed his views on several important issues in a recent interview. His thoughts highlight various aspects of society and reflect changes in his own perspective. This article will discuss Shah’s statements about Narendra Modi, the Muslim community, and education among Muslims. Additionally, we will explore how Shah, once known for his radical views, underwent such a significant change.

Narendra Modi and the State of the Nation

Shah mentioned that it is easy to blame Narendra Modi for the current state of the nation. He pointed out that there were many issues even before Modi came to power. According to Shah, negative feelings between different religions have always been present. Sharing his childhood experiences, he recounted how he faced ridicule for being a Muslim. Shah also admitted that he mocked others for their religion.

Shah’s Criticism of Muslims

Shah’s Disappointment

Shah expressed his disappointment with the Muslim community. He said that Muslims are more concerned with the hijab and Sania Mirza’s skirt length than education. Shah believes that Muslims should focus on providing modern education to their children. Instead of only offering religious education in madrasas, they should also train them in modern subjects. He stated that Muslims have focused on all the wrong things that hinder their development.

The Change in Naseeruddin Shah

Past Radical Statements

Previously, Naseeruddin Shah garnered attention for his outspoken support of the Muslim community, often sparking controversies with his radical statements. His firm stance sometimes overshadowed broader societal issues. However, his recent statements reflect a noticeable evolution. Shah has shifted towards a more balanced perspective, where he critiques societal flaws impartially and acknowledges shortcomings within his own community. This transformation underscores his growth beyond mere advocacy, emphasizing introspection and a nuanced understanding of the complex dynamics shaping Indian society today. It highlights Shah’s commitment to fostering constructive dialogue and promoting genuine societal progress through self-reflection and accountability.

Impact of Time and Experience

The evolution in Shah’s viewpoint has been profoundly shaped by the passage of time and the accumulation of diverse life experiences. With roots spanning six generations in the country, Shah’s perspective has been enriched through deep cultural immersion and firsthand observations. His journey has taught him invaluable lessons about societal dynamics and personal growth. He has come to understand that addressing issues goes beyond assigning blame; it necessitates introspection and proactive efforts to improve oneself. This realization underscores his belief in the importance of self-awareness and accountability in fostering meaningful societal change, reflecting a maturity and wisdom derived from a lifetime of experiences.

Shah’s Statements: Films and Social Reality

Shah’s observation regarding the portrayal of Hindu-Muslim unity in films and songs reflects a poignant truth about societal perceptions versus reality. Despite media depictions, Shah contends that genuine unity remains elusive on a broader societal scale. He highlights that while a minority embraces this unity, the majority remains indifferent or resistant. Additionally, Shah notes the stoicism of Muslims towards these disparities, emphasizing their historical focus on priorities that are more immediately impactful to their lives, rather than dwelling on symbolic gestures portrayed in media narratives. This stance underscores Shah’s nuanced perspective on societal dynamics and the challenges of genuine unity in contemporary India.


Naseeruddin Shah’s recent statements clearly indicate a significant change in his perspective. He has not only highlighted the flaws in his society but also acknowledged the mistakes of his community. Shah believes that Muslims should focus more on education and provide modern education to their children. His recent statements teach us that the solution to society’s problems is not merely in blaming others but in recognizing and rectifying our own shortcomings.

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