BJP’s electoral victory and the message of the RSS chief

BJP, NDA, INDI, Congress, Loksabha Elections 2024, Loksabha Election Results 2024, Trending, Politics, ECI, Modi, Narendra Modi, Yogi, Yogi Adityanath, Uttar Pradesh, Manipur, rss, Mohan Bhagwat

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The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)’s victory in the national elections paves the way for Narendra Modi to become Prime Minister for a historic third term. On the other hand, the opposition considers itself victorious by increasing its numbers and denying BJP’s claim of surpassing 400 seats. In this context, the head of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Mohan Bhagwat, has broken his silence. His statement is significant for political parties, especially the BJP.

RSS Perspective

Bhagwat speaks rarely, but when he does, his purpose is clear. The RSS, as the guiding force of the Hindutva ideology and an institution for BJP leaders, thinks long-term. The overwhelming majority in Modi’s two terms has given political strength to the RSS ideology, but this does not mean the RSS will remain silent forever due to the dominance of one leader, no matter how popular he still is in India.

Diminishing Appeal of Modi

Recent elections have shown that Modi’s appeal is waning, and his brand has become somewhat tarnished. The intensity of the Hindu-Muslim narrative has become tiring, unpleasant, and repetitive. The Indian populace does not have a jihadi mindset. They do not want permanent instability arising from foolish fanaticism and hatred.

Challenge of Coalition Government

The RSS is aware that Prime Minister Modi now faces the challenge of running a coalition government. From 2001 to 2014 as the Chief Minister of Gujarat and from 2014 to 2024 as the Prime Minister, he has never led a mixed government. By nature, he is a leader who wants complete control over the government, which is evident in the allocation of portfolios in the new cabinet.

The BJP has re-established its strategic dominance in key areas while accommodating allies with mostly minor departments. Some allies have been completely excluded, and others are dissatisfied with the number of ministers. Nitish Kumar is notorious for his shifting loyalties, and Chandrababu Naidu views everything from the perspective of Andhra Pradesh. These challenges will face the coalition.

Message from Mohan Bhagwat

Bhagwat’s precise and relevant message should be seen in this entire context. He emphasized that we must “respect diversity, live together, and respect others.” He advised Indians to “adopt goodwill towards everyone” and work towards “consensus.” Specifically regarding religion, he said, “We should consider the teachings of Prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ. Distortions have arisen over time. We should forget these distortions and see the sons of the country as brothers.”

Bhagwat also spoke directly about the ongoing violence in Manipur. Despite the violence continuing for the past year, the BJP has retained the Chief Minister, and the Prime Minister has not visited this troubled state even once. The RSS chief deemed this unacceptable and stressed the need for a priority solution in Manipur.

Arrogance of Leaders

Bhagwat also commented on the arrogance of leaders. This could be a general statement for all leaders, but his clear target was evident. In the elections, Modi became the sole symbol and omnipresent face of the BJP, making the party almost invisible. The BJP manifesto was also referred to as ‘Modi’s guarantee.’ Many BJP veterans were mistreated, workers appeared disheartened, and seat allocations were reportedly done as per the ‘high command’s’ wishes.

Inauguration of the Ram Temple and Inclusivity

On the inauguration of the Ayodhya Ram Temple, Bhagwat emphasized the need to take all Indians along without any sense of triumph and to abandon hatred. He quoted a verse from Tulsidas’ Ramcharitmanas: “Sab nara karahi paraspar preeti” (All will respect each other).

RSS Introspection

In the latest edition of the RSS publication ‘Organiser,’ RSS intellectual Ratan Sharda posed a revealing question: Was it laziness, overconfidence, or the sentiment of “Modi will come, this time 400+”? Sharda further commented that “the idea that Modi_ji_ is fighting on all 543 seats has limited value. When candidates were replaced, imposed at the expense of local leaders, and defectors given more importance, this idea became self-defeating.”

Future Path

Will the BJP heed the advice of the RSS and its chief Mohan Bhagwat or dismiss it? Most importantly, will the party learn from the great legacy of ‘coalition dharma’ taught by its great leader Atal Bihari Vajpayee?


Mohan Bhagwat’s statement is an important message not only for the BJP but for all political parties. It is time for political parties to introspect on their approaches and work styles and work together for inclusive and sustainable development.

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