Are leftists and liberals on the path of dividing the country again?

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On the evening of June 9, 2024, under the leadership of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the formation of the NDA (National Democratic Alliance) government took place in Delhi. Following this event, the same old lamentation of the leftists and liberals started, which they have been doing for the past 10 years. Their argument is why Modi did not appoint any Muslim member in his cabinet? This has now raised questions on the thinking of the leftist and liberal groups in the country. Do they want to partition the country again like Jinnah did?

Representation Based on Caste: Contrary to the Concept of Democracy

The Indian Constitution does not talk about representation based on caste. Elected representatives work for the welfare of all citizens, regardless of their religion, caste, or community. Under this principle, the NDA government formed its cabinet, where no particular community was given priority based on caste or religion.

Concerns and Opposition of the Muslim Community

After the formation of the NDA government, the Muslim community and its representatives accused the government of neglecting Muslims. Islamic scholar Samiulla Khan posted on Twitter, “No place for minorities in Modi 3.0!” and also said that representation of 250 million people is zero. Similarly, R.J. Saima and other journalists also criticized the government on this issue.

Is Representation of Minorities Really Absent?

In reality, the cabinet of the NDA government includes two Sikhs, one Christian, and one Buddhist parliamentarian. Therefore, saying that minorities have no place is incorrect. The idea that Muslims can be better represented by Muslim representatives goes against the fundamental principle of the Constitution.

Jinnah’s Thinking and Separatist Perspective

The attitude of some sections of the Muslim community demanding Muslim representation is the same perspective that caused the division of India. In 1947, the Muslim League demanded partition on this basis, arguing that they could not live with Hindus and needed separate representation. Such demands can once again encourage divisive ideologies.

Provocative Statements on Social Media

Provocative statements made on social media by various Islamic scholars and journalists have made this issue even more sensitive. Samiulla Khan, R.J. Saima, and others posted several posts against the NDA government, aiming to provoke the Muslim community and turn them against the government.

Respect for Democratic Processes and the Constitution

India is a democratic republic where every citizen is identified as Indian. Any form of communal division is not accepted here. Under democratic processes, those chosen by the people become representatives and ministers. Demanding representation based on caste or religion goes against the fundamental values of the Constitution and can encourage divisive ideologies.

The Role of the Muslim Community and Government Policies

The Muslim community has also benefited from various government schemes. In both the first and second terms of the Modi government, there has been no discrimination in government schemes, scholarships, and other facilities. Despite this, some groups have tried to convince the Muslim community to vote against the BJP government.

The Role of Congress and Muslim Support

This time, the seats of the Congress in the Lok Sabha have increased due to unilateral support from the Muslim community. This support has been an important aspect for the Congress, but the question arises, what has Congress given in return for their support? Why didn’t Congress choose any Muslim leader as the leader of the parliamentary party and support Rahul Gandhi to become the opposition leader?

The Danger of Communal Politics

Demanding separate representation based on religion are anti-constitutional acts and can lead India towards another division. Those who are trying to provoke the Muslim community are actually a threat to the unity and integrity of the country.


The basic principle of the Indian Republic is that every citizen should be identified as Indian. Demanding division based on caste or religion is against the Constitution and encourages divisive thinking. The NDA government has shown commitment to work for the welfare of all sections of society without discrimination. It is necessary for all of us to rise above caste, religion, and community and work together as Indians for the development and prosperity of the country. Therefore, the controversy that arose after the formation of the NDA government on June 9, 2024, goes against the unity and spirit of the Indian Constitution. It is important that we all unite as Indians and work for the unity and integrity of the India.

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