200 Girls in Bihar were called for a “Sure Shot Job”, But …….

Bihar, rape, Sexual Assault, Trending, Crime

In a recent incident in Muzaffarpur, Bihar, a disturbing case of exploiting girls under the guise of job promises has surfaced. Allegedly, approximately 180 girls were ensnared in the Ahiyapur area, where they faced sexual exploitation and physical assault.

Centuries have passed, yet sexual abuse against girls and women remains prevalent in our country. Many individuals have dedicated their lives to improving the status of women in society, a commitment that spans back to British India. However, the reality persists: every woman in India, from young girls to elderly ladies, has faced abuse numerous times. This holds true regardless of wealth, appearance, or any other factor.

False Job Offers and Exploitation

The accused utilized Bihar’s unemployment crisis to orchestrate a deceptive job scheme through a fictitious marketing company named DVR. They advertised attractive job opportunities exclusively targeting girls on social media platforms like Facebook.

According to reports, victims like one from Chapra responded to these postings and subsequently paid Rs 20,000 for training. Many girls were housed near Bakhri, awaiting employment that never materialized despite months passing.

This raises concerns about the working women and even the security of girls in the reputed workplace and whether they are truly safe there. Personally, I have witnessed instances in companies where, despite having policies like POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment), new female employees can still be exploited indirectly.

Coercion and Threats

Under duress, victims were coerced into recruiting more girls under the promise of increased salaries. Failure to meet recruitment quotas resulted in further pressure, with victims compelled to enlist friends and acquaintances.

This is a criminal case that cannot be justified. But apart from this also, we have all witnessed the situation of women in jobs. They are often paid less for the same work as their male colleagues. Even when the pay scale is equal, male employees are usually prioritized. Furthermore, female employees, especially newcomers, typically face higher work pressures.

Escalation of Exploitation

Police interventions at the alleged office and hostel locations in Ahiyapur led to rescues, but the perpetrators evaded capture by relocating operations to Hajipur. Disturbingly, one victim reported being forcefully married to evade legal repercussions, enduring continued sexual assaults and coercion into abortion.

In Indian society, it is common that when a girl is physically assaulted, she is forcibly married to the offender to avoid legal consequences or to preserve the girl’s perceived dignity. The irony lies in the perspective of some individuals in our society who consider the offender’s dignity intact while the victim loses hers. Consequently, the girl often continues to suffer as a victim throughout her married life.

Systematic Control and Threats

Victims faced continued threats and intimidation, with reports of enforced confinement and deployment of thugs to prevent escapes. Allegations include threats against victims’ families and violent reprisals for attempting to seek legal recourse.

It is also very common in India that after a woman experiences physical and sexual assault, there is often reluctance to seek legal help. This hesitation may arise due to threats from the accused or concerns about protecting one’s dignity.

Legal Proceedings and Historical Context

An FIR has been filed, marking the initiation of formal legal proceedings. This case draws unsettling parallels to the infamous ‘Muzaffarpur Shelter Home case,’ which previously shocked the nation with similar allegations of abuse.

Now, consider how many years it will take to deliver justice to the victims. We are all aware of the pace of India’s judicial system, as evident from cases like the Nirbhaya rape case and many others.


The unfolding investigation seeks justice for the victims and aims to dismantle the criminal network behind these reprehensible acts. Authorities are committed to bringing all perpetrators to account and ensuring the safety and well-being of those affected.

This incident underscores the critical need for vigilance against such exploitation schemes, particularly targeting vulnerable populations seeking employment opportunities.

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