Was Ravan really a great personality and undefeatable?

Busting The Myths About Dashanan

ravan, ram

Ravan, the ten-headed demon king of Lanka, was a learned scholar and a mighty warrior. However, his unrighteous actions overshadowed his virtues. His misdeeds illustrate his moral failings and justify his role as the antagonist in the Ramayana. Ravan’s unrighteous deeds, including the abduction of Sita, disrespect for women, arrogance, and greed, define his character. His actions, driven by lust and pride, led to his downfall and solidified his place as the quintessential villain in the Ramayana. Ravan’s story serves as a reminder of the consequences of straying from the path of righteousness.

Abduction of Sita

Ravan’s most infamous act was the abduction of Sita. Disguised as a hermit, he lured Sita away from her protective circle and kidnapped her. This act of deception and force initiated the central conflict in the Ramayana. Ravan’s desire for Sita, a married woman, showcased his disrespect for dharma and marital sanctity.

Disrespect for Women

Ravan’s disrespect for women extended beyond Sita. He had a history of forcefully taking women for his pleasure. One notable incident involved Vedavati, a devotee of Vishnu. Ravan attempted to molest her, leading to her self-immolation. Her curse contributed to Ravan’s eventual downfall.

Arrogance and Disregard for Dharma

Ravan’s arrogance was evident in his refusal to heed wise counsel. Despite numerous warnings, he chose to ignore the advice of his brother Vibhishana and wife Mandodari. They urged him to return Sita and make peace with Rama. His ego and pride led him to make decisions that were against dharma, causing great suffering to his people.

Usurping Kubera’s Wealth

Ravan’s ambition extended to his family as well. He overthrew his half-brother Kubera and seized the kingdom of Lanka along with the Pushpaka Vimana, a divine flying chariot. This act of greed and betrayal demonstrated his unscrupulous nature and lust for power.

Ravan: Defeats Beyond Ram

People today claim that Ravan was such a great warrior that only Ram ever defeated him. However, the truth is that Ravan was defeated multiple times by others as well: Lord Shiva, King Bali, Bali, and Sahasrabahu Arjuna. Let’s explore these lesser-known defeats.

Ravan’s Encounter with Bali

Once, he sought to challenge Bali. At that moment, Bali was deep in prayer. Ravan repeatedly disturbed him, disrupting his meditation. When Ravan refused to stop, Bali took action. He pinned Ravan under his arm and circled the four oceans. Bali, known for his immense strength, completed this feat every morning. After circling the oceans, he offered water to the sun, all while keeping Ravan restrained. Despite his efforts, Ravan could not escape Bali’s grip. After the prayer session, Bali released him. This incident led Ravan to form a friendship with Bali.

The Battle with Sahasrabahu Arjuna

Sahasrabahu Arjuna, a Kshatriya king with a thousand arms, was another formidable opponent. When Ravan arrived with his army to fight him, Sahasrabahu used his thousand arms to halt the flow of the Narmada River. He then released the water, causing a flood that swept Ravan and his army away. Undeterred by this defeat, Ravan confronted Sahasrabahu again. This time, Sahasrabahu captured and imprisoned him. It was only through the intervention of Ravan’s grandfather, Sage Pulastya, that Sahasrabahu released Ravan from captivity.

Ravan’s Confrontation with King Bali

Demon King Bali ruled the netherworld. Ravan, driven by his desire to prove his strength, ventured into the netherworld to challenge Bali. However, upon his arrival, the children playing in Bali’s palace captured Ravan. They tied him up in the stable with the horses, humiliating him. Ravan managed to escape but not without experiencing another significant defeat.

Attempt to Overpower Lord Shiva

Ravan’s pride in his power led him to challenge even Lord Shiva. He traveled to Mount Kailash, aiming to defeat Shiva. Ravan boldly challenged Shiva to a battle, but Shiva was in deep meditation. Undeterred, Ravan attempted to lift Mount Kailash. Shiva responded by increasing the mountain’s weight with a mere touch of his toe, trapping Ravan’s hand beneath it. This humbling defeat led Ravan to recognize Shiva’s supreme power. He then accepted Shiva as his guru and began worshipping him.


Ravan’s story is not just one of his defeat by Lord Ram. His encounters with Bali, Sahasrabahu Arjuna, King Bali, and Lord Shiva reveal a pattern of defeats that highlight his arrogance and overconfidence. These stories underscore the importance of humility and respect for others’ strength. While Ravan was a mighty warrior, his defeats illustrate that even the powerful are not invincible. Understanding these aspects of Ravan’s history provides a more nuanced view of his character and his eventual downfall.

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