Stop Sitting Yourself to Death: These Jobs can Kill You

diet, jobs, lifestyle

With the increase in sedentary habits, maintaining a balanced diet has become crucial. India’s top health authority, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), has provided ideal diet plans for individuals who spend long hours sitting, particularly in corporate settings. These diet plans are designed to counter the adverse health effects associated with prolonged inactivity.

The Importance of a Balanced Diet

Extended periods of sitting can negatively impact health, leading to obesity, heart disease, and metabolic disorders. A well-structured diet can help mitigate these risks by supplying essential nutrients and promoting a healthy weight. Additionally, combining regular physical activity with a balanced diet enhances overall health and well-being.

Ideal Diet for Sedentary Men

The ICMR has tailored a diet plan for normally nourished sedentary men weighing 65 kg, with a BMI between 18.5 and 23. The recommended diet provides about 2100 Kcal daily, with 13.7% of these calories coming from protein to support muscle maintenance and overall health.

Meal Plan for Men

Meal 1 (8-10 AM): A nourishing breakfast with 570 Kcal, including 90g whole grains, 35g boiled legumes (such as beans or chickpeas), 50g green leafy vegetables, 50g assorted vegetables, and 20g nuts. This meal provides a balanced mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats to start the day.

Meal 2 (1-2 PM): A substantial lunch providing 570 Kcal, consisting of 100g whole grain cereals, 30g pulses or meat, 150g vegetables (50g green leafy), 20g nuts or oil seeds, 150ml curd or paneer, 15g cooking oil, and 50g fruits. This meal offers a variety of nutrients to sustain energy levels throughout the afternoon.

Meal 3 (5 PM): A light evening beverage with 35 Kcal, made from 50 ml milk. This small meal serves as a healthy snack option to prevent overeating at dinner.

Meal 4 (7-8 PM): A balanced dinner offering 590 Kcal, including 80g cereals, 25g pulses, 100ml curd, 10g oil, and 50g fruits for added vitamins and fiber. This meal ensures adequate nutrient intake before bedtime, aiding in recovery and maintenance of bodily functions.

Ideal Diet for Sedentary Women

The ICMR also recommends a diet for normally nourished sedentary women weighing 55 kg, with a BMI of 18.5-23. This diet plan provides approximately 1670 Kcal daily, with 13.8% of the calories sourced from protein.

Meal Plan for Women

Meal 1 (8-10 AM): A nutritious breakfast with 60g soaked and boiled whole grains, 30g boiled legumes (such as beans or chickpeas), 50g green leafy vegetables, 100g assorted vegetables, and 20g nuts for healthy fats and additional protein. This meal provides essential nutrients to start the day energetically.

Meal 2 (1-2 PM): A balanced lunch providing 80g whole grain cereals, 20g pulses or meat, 150g vegetables (50g green leafy), 10g nuts or oil seeds, 150ml curd or paneer, 15g cooking oil, and 50g fruits. This meal helps maintain energy and focus during the afternoon.

Meal 3 (5 PM): An evening snack with 35 Kcal from 50 ml milk. This snack helps curb hunger and provides a small energy boost.

Meal 4 (7-8 PM): A balanced dinner offering 590 Kcal, with 80g cereals, 25g pulses, 100ml curd, 10g oil, and 50g fruits. This meal supports overall health and well-being by ensuring a proper intake of essential nutrients.


Adhering to these diet plans can significantly benefit those with sedentary jobs by providing balanced nutrition and maintaining overall health. Proper diet management is crucial in countering the health risks associated with long sitting hours. Regular exercise, along with these diet plans, can further enhance health and reduce the risks of a sedentary lifestyle. It is essential to stay mindful of portion sizes and the quality of food to achieve and maintain optimal health. By following the ICMR’s guidelines, individuals can ensure they are getting the right balance of nutrients to support their health despite a sedentary lifestyle.

By incorporating these diet recommendations, individuals with sedentary lifestyles can better manage their health. It is important to combine these dietary guidelines with regular physical activity to maximize health benefits. These diet plans are designed to be practical and easy to follow, making them suitable for busy professionals. With a focus on balanced nutrition, these meal plans can help mitigate the negative effects of prolonged sitting, promoting better overall health and well-being.

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