Pune Accident: If not controlled, you can also become the victim!

Porsche, Accident, Pune, Road Accidents, Pune Road Accident, Crime, Minor Crime

A horrific road accident in Pune on Sunday claimed the lives of two youths, Anis Ahudiya (24) and Ashwini Kosta (24). The incident occurred when both engineers by profession, residents of Madhya Pradesh, were returning from a party with their friends. Involved in this accident was a luxury car ‘Porsche’ being driven by the minor son of a prominent builder named Vishal Agrawal, who was allegedly intoxicated. The collision was so severe that Ashwini died on the spot, while Anis succumbed to his injuries in the hospital. This tragic incident has raised several serious questions and calls for us to learn some important lessons.

5 people including the accused’s father arrested:

So far, the police have arrested five people in this case, including the father of the accused. According to the FIR, the minor did not have a driving license, yet his father allowed him to drive the luxury car. The builder was also aware that his son drinks alcohol, yet he permitted him to attend the party.

Among the other 4 arrested individuals are Naman Pralhad Bhutada, the son of the owner of a Pune restaurant, his manager Sachin Katkar, the manager of Black Club Hotel Sandeep Sangale, and his staff Jayesh Bonkar. They are accused of serving alcohol to the minor offender.

Pralhad Bhutada, Sachin Katkar, and Sandeep Sangale were presented in court on May 21st. All three have been remanded to police custody until May 24th. Kozi Restaurant and Black Club Hotel have been sealed.

Accused’s father changed cars to mislead the police:

After hearing the news of his son’s accident, builder Vishal Agrawal planned to flee to avoid the police. To mislead the police, he took his car from home and told the driver to go to Mumbai. He instructed another driver to go to Goa in his second car.

While on his way to Mumbai, Vishal got out of the car midway. He then used a friend’s car to go to Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad). According to the police, Vishal Agrawal used several cars to mislead them. He had also started using a new SIM card so that his number couldn’t be traced.

When the police received information that he was in his friend’s car, they began tracking the vehicle via GPS. A team from the Pune Crime Branch identified Vishal Agrawal using CCTV footage. Finally, on the night of May 21st, police raided a lodge in Sambhaji Nagar and arrested Vishal and two others.

Car was being driven without registration:

The accused’s father had purchased the electric luxury sports sedan Porsche car in March from a dealer in Bangalore. After temporary registration, the dealer handed over the car to Vishal, but due to not paying the necessary fees, the registration could not be completed.

According to RTO officer Sanjeev Bhor, it was the responsibility of the car owner to get it registered. The car had come to the Pune RTO office for inspection, but due to non-payment of fees, it was not given a registration number. The price of this car in India ranges from 1.61 crores to 2.44 crores rupees.

Responsibility of the youths and dangers of driving under the influence:

The biggest cause of this accident was driving under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol severely affects a person’s decision-making ability and reaction time. This incident clearly demonstrates that the combination of alcohol and driving can be fatal. Young people need to understand that driving is a significant responsibility and should not be taken lightly. Driving under the influence not only endangers one’s own life but also the lives of others.

Compliance with the law and its consequences:

The case of the minor driver involved in this accident is also a matter of concern. Not granting driving permission to minors is part of the law, but the question arises as to how strictly this law is being enforced. This incident has proven that negligence in complying with the law can be very costly. Parents and guardians must ensure that their children do not drive vehicles before the legal age and educate them about the importance of road safety.

Caution and safety while driving:

Both victims were returning from a party with their friends. It is important to remember that extra caution should be exercised while driving late at night. Despite the roads being empty, the risk of accidents is higher. Wearing helmets and other safety gear is essential. It has been observed that most deaths in road accidents occur due to the absence of safety equipment. Therefore, whether day or night, it is crucial to use safety equipment correctly.

The role of road safety education and community:

The lack of road safety education is also responsible for such incidents. Special programs should be organized in schools and colleges to educate students about road safety. Additionally, awareness campaigns are needed at the community level. If society is aware of road safety, such incidents can be significantly reduced.

Effective traffic control and government responsibility:

The government also needs to take road safety issues seriously. Effective control systems are required to ensure compliance with traffic rules. The number of CCTV cameras should be increased, and regular police monitoring should be ensured on the roads. Special attention should be paid to potential accident-prone areas, and necessary improvements should be made.

Road safety is not just an individual responsibility but also a social responsibility. Every citizen should understand that their small carelessness can affect many lives. After accidents, society often points fingers at flaws in laws and administration, but we also need to understand our responsibility. If we all adhere to traffic rules, refrain from driving under the influence, and use safety equipment correctly, we can make our roads safer.


The Pune road accident is a serious warning that reminds us to stay vigilant about road safety. We should learn from this incident that driving under the influence of alcohol, granting driving permission to minors, and not using safety equipment can be extremely dangerous. We should learn from these mistakes and take necessary steps to prevent such incidents in the future. Road safety is our collective responsibility, and we should take it very seriously.”

Also Read: Rear-End Accidents: Causes, Consequences, and Legal Action

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