This is how, a simple Slip of Tongue is misused in the politics!

Lord Jagannath, Modi, Sambit Patra, Arvind Kejriwal, Supriya Shrinet, BJP, Congress, Loksabha elections 2024, Odisha,

Congress, in a bold and resolute manner, unleashed a torrent of criticism aimed squarely at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in response to the contentious remarks made by Sambit Patra, the BJP’s nominee for the prestigious Puri Lok Sabha constituency, regarding the revered deity ‘Lord Jagannath’. Their demand for a formal apology from none other than Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself resonated deeply across the political landscape, stirring up a whirlwind of discourse and debate.

Congress’s Stand

At the forefront of this charged confrontation stood Supriya Shrinate, the staunch representative of Congress, who took to the podium at a press conference convened in the bustling heart of New Delhi. With unwavering conviction and palpable intensity, she hurled accusations at the BJP, decrying what she perceived as a flagrant disregard for Hindu deities and a perilous erosion of faith amongst millions due to the party’s unquestioning alignment with the ideological tenets championed by PM Modi.

“By what authority does he speak?” queried Shrinate, her voice infused with a potent blend of indignation and incredulity. In no uncertain terms, she not only condemned Patra’s words as a blatant affront to the deeply-held beliefs of billions of Hindus but also demanded swift and unequivocal accountability from Modi himself for permitting such egregious sentiments to be expressed under his leadership. In a masterful stroke of rhetoric, she drew striking parallels with infamous historical figures such as Hitler and Kim Jong Un, thereby underscoring the inherent danger posed by leaders who seek to arrogate unto themselves divine status.

AAP’s Stand

Amidst this fervent condemnation, Arvind Kejriwal, the stalwart Chief Minister of Delhi, lent his voice to the chorus of censure, lambasting the BJP for what he perceived as a brazen attempt to elevate themselves to the status of deities. “The assertion by Sambit Patra that Lord Jagannath is a devotee of Modi ji is deeply troubling. It seems that Modi ji’s stature surpasses even that of Jagannath,” remarked Kejriwal, his dismay palpable. Concurrently, Naveen Patnaik, the esteemed Chief Minister of Odisha, added his weighty voice to the growing cacophony of dissent, urging the BJP to desist from dragging Lord Jagannath into the murky quagmire of political discourse, lest they incur the ire of an entire state and its people.

BJP’s Apology

Yet, amidst the rising tide of condemnation and outrage, Sambit Patra himself found his words thrust into the unforgiving glare of national scrutiny. His initial proclamation that Lord Jagannath was a devotee of PM Modi set off a veritable firestorm of controversy, prompting a swift retraction wherein he sought to absolve himself by attributing his words to nothing more than a slip of the tongue. However, in the face of mounting pressure and condemnation from all quarters, Patra ultimately relented, issuing a formal apology and announcing his intention to undertake a three-day fast starting Tuesday as a gesture of penance and contrition.

The aftermath of this tumultuous saga sparked a national conversation, with citizens from all walks of life grappling with the intricate nuances that delineate the boundaries between political rhetoric and religious sentiments. It served as a stark reminder of the imperative for politicians to tread cautiously when navigating the complex terrain of faith and belief, particularly within the diverse and pluralistic tapestry that defines Indian society. Above all, it underscored the delicate balance that must be struck between the principles of free expression and the imperative to uphold reverence and respect for the deeply-held religious sensitivities that permeate the public domain.


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