Are women safe under Arvind Kejriwal’s AAP Party?

The Silence Surrounding Swati Maliwal: A Concerning Situation

swati maliwal, arvind kejriwal, female assault, politics, femal abuse

In the realm of political activism and advocacy, individuals often emerge as beacons of hope, champions for causes that resonate deeply with society. Swati Maliwal is one such figure, a name synonymous with unwavering dedication to the cause of women’s rights. However, recent events have cast a shadow over her illustrious career, prompting questions and concerns about the very fabric of justice and support within the corridors of power.

Swati Maliwal: From Advocate to Subject

Swati Maliwal’s journey as an advocate for women’s rights has been nothing short of remarkable. During her tenure as the Chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women, she spearheaded numerous initiatives and campaigns aimed at combating gender-based violence and championing the cause of gender equality. Her fearless approach and unwavering commitment earned her widespread admiration and respect, both within and outside political circles.

However, the recent incident involving Swati Maliwal has brought her into the spotlight for entirely different reasons. The news of her being allegedly assaulted by a member of Delhi’s Chief Minister’s staff sent shockwaves through the political landscape, prompting soul-searching and reflection on the very principles she has fought so tirelessly to uphold.

The Deafening Silence

What is perhaps most disconcerting about this entire episode is the deafening silence that has emanated from within the ranks of Swati Maliwal’s own party. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), known for its vocal stance on a plethora of social and political issues, has conspicuously remained silent on the matter. This absence of support and solidarity for one of their own raises troubling questions about the party’s commitment to its core values and principles.

Swati Maliwal, who once stood at the forefront of the battle for women’s rights, now finds herself isolated and marginalized within the very party she helped to build. The lack of vocal condemnation from party leaders and members alike is not only disappointing but also raises doubts about the party’s integrity and moral compass.

Leadership Response: A Missing Voice

In any crisis or challenging situation, true leadership is defined by one’s ability to step up, speak out, and take decisive action. Yet, in the case of Swati Maliwal, the leadership within AAP has been conspicuously absent. Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi, known for his impassioned rhetoric on delivering justice to women, has maintained a puzzling silence on the entire incident.

Equally concerning is the response, or rather the lack thereof, from other prominent leaders within the party. MP Sanjay Singh’s remarks, which appeared to downplay the severity of the incident, only served to further exacerbate the sense of betrayal and disillusionment felt by many within the party and beyond.

Unanswered Questions

In the wake of Swati Maliwal’s alleged assault, a myriad of unanswered questions linger, casting a pall of uncertainty over the entire affair. Why has there been such a conspicuous absence of support and solidarity from within the AAP leadership? What underlying dynamics and power struggles are at play behind the scenes? And perhaps most importantly, what does this episode signify for the future of women’s rights activism within the political landscape of India?

Not Even Women in Higher Positions Are Safe from Physical and Social Abuse

In the labyrinth of power dynamics and societal hierarchies, one would assume that those occupying positions of authority and influence are shielded from the scourge of abuse, both physical and social. However, recent events serve as a stark reminder that no one, regardless of their status or position, is immune to the insidious grip of violence and mistreatment.

Challenging Assumptions: The Case of Swati Maliwal

Swati Maliwal, a prominent figure in the political landscape of India, serves as a poignant example of how even women in positions of authority are not immune to abuse. As the former Chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women and a Rajya Sabha MP, Maliwal was revered for her tireless advocacy for women’s rights. Yet, her recent ordeal, wherein she was allegedly assaulted by a member of Delhi’s Chief Minister’s staff, shattered the illusion of safety and security that often accompanies positions of power.

Breaking the Silence: A Call to Action

The silence surrounding Swati Maliwal’s case speaks volumes about the pervasive nature of gender-based violence and the reluctance of society to confront it, particularly when it involves individuals in positions of authority. The lack of vocal condemnation and support from within Maliwal’s own political party raises troubling questions about the integrity of institutions and the commitment to upholding fundamental rights and principles.

Addressing Structural Inequities

Maliwal’s case underscores the deep-rooted structural inequities that continue to plague societies around the world. Despite advancements in gender equality and women’s empowerment, the pervasive nature of gender-based violence persists, often exacerbated by entrenched power dynamics and societal norms.

Changing the Narrative: Empowering Women

To truly address the issue of violence against women, we must challenge existing power structures and narratives that perpetuate inequality and discrimination. This requires not only legislative measures and institutional reforms but also a fundamental shift in societal attitudes and behaviors towards gender roles and relationships.

Building a Culture of Accountability

Central to combating gender-based violence is the establishment of a culture of accountability, where perpetrators are held accountable for their actions and victims are provided with the support and resources they need to seek justice and healing. This requires a multi-pronged approach that involves legal, social, and educational interventions aimed at challenging harmful norms and promoting gender equality.


The case of Swati Maliwal serves as a sobering reminder that the fight against gender-based violence is far from over. As long as individuals in positions of power continue to face abuse and mistreatment, our work towards creating a more just and equitable society remains incomplete. It is incumbent upon all of us to stand in solidarity with survivors, challenge oppressive structures, and work towards a future where every individual, regardless of gender, can live free from fear and violence.

In conclusion, the silence surrounding Swati Maliwal’s alleged assault is not just a matter of personal injustice but a reflection of broader systemic issues within the political establishment. As a society, we must demand accountability, transparency, and justice, not only for Swati Maliwal but for all victims of gender-based violence and injustice. Only then can we hope to build a future where every individual, regardless of gender, is treated with dignity, respect, and equality.

ALSO READ: Anna Hazare – The Frankenstein of Indian politics who created Arvind Kejriwal

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