Comparison of Parag Parikh Mutual Fund vs UTI Mutual Fund

It is no easy job for investors to pick the right mutual funds because of the huge number of choices available for them. PPfas Mutual Fund and UTI Mutual Fund are two names that often come up while doing such comparisons. What stands out most about them is each of them having its peculiarities, investment policies, and records. This article aims to come up with a detailed comparison between the two thereby assessing their crucial aspects to enable investors to make informed choices.

1. Investment philosophy and approach

PPfas Mutual Fund and UTI Mutual Fund follow different investment philosophies and approaches. PPfas is characterized by long-term value investing where the management looks at the company’s fundamentals as well as its growth prospects. Conversely, UTI Mutual fund follows a diversified strategy by investing across sectors as well as market caps so that they can capture market opportunities in different market conditions and also minimize risk.

2. Fund performance and track record

For investors, performance tops the priorities list when evaluating mutual funds. Even though they have different approaches and so we find that UTI has done better than PPfas over the period. It is still that both have had positive records. Investors can establish a fund’s performance by examining factors like historical returns, consistency, and risk-adjusted performance.

3. Portfolio composition and asset allocation

The composition of a mutual fund’s portfolio is crucial to its risk-return matrix. PPFAS Mutual Fund typically holds a few high-conviction stocks whereas UTI Mutual Fund has diversified across sectors and market segments. Knowing the underlying investments and allocation strategies of each fund is important for aligning your goals with those of the different funds.

4. Expense ratio and fee structure

Expenses related to mutual fund investments (like expense ratio and fees) may affect overall returns. PPfas Mutual Fund and UTI Mutual Fund may employ different fee structures for instance management charges, operational expenses and other levies. These costs should be weighed against the mutual fund’s performance outcome as well as its investment plan by investors so that they achieve the best possible return after expenses.

5. Risk management & volatility

Preserving capital & achieving long-term financial goals mandates managing risk effectively on an ongoing basis. PPfas Mutual Fund and UTI Mutual Fund both employ a range of risk management techniques that suit their respective investment strategies, as PPfas focuses on fundamental analysis and margin of safety, UTI might emphasize diversification and asset allocation to manage volatility and downside risks effectively.

6. Investor suitability and objectives

The suitability of any mutual fund will be determined by individual investor preferences, risk level, and financial goals. Investors who want to invest in different segments of the market with medium risk-return profiles may find UTI Mutual Fund more suitable.


To summarize it all, PPfas Mutual Fund offers an investment proposition as compared to UTI Mutual Fund, catering to different investor preferences and objectives. By considering factors such as philosophy in investments, performances, portfolio makeup, cost management, risk control and appropriateness, decision-making can be done by investors to align themselves with their financial goals as well as the level of risk they can bear.

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