Bhojshala on Survey: ASI On Board To Restore The Original Bharat

Bhojshala, Madhya Pradesh, ASI Survey, Indian Heritage

The Bhojshala/Kamal Maula Mosque complex in Madhya Pradesh stands as a focal point of contention, with Hindus and Muslims asserting ownership of its religious heritage. Recent strides have witnessed the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) launching a scientific survey of the site, with the objective of unearthing ancient evidences. This endeavor seeks to unravel the complex’s historical and religious significance, offering insights that may help resolve longstanding disputes. As excavations delve into the depths of time, the ASI’s survey holds the potential to illuminate the diverse cultural tapestry of Bhojshala and foster a deeper understanding among its stakeholders.

Historical Backdrop

Bhojshala, situated in the tribal-dominated Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh, stands as a testament to India’s rich cultural and religious heritage. Dating back centuries, this site has been steeped in both Hindu and Muslim traditions, giving rise to complex narratives and contentious debates.

For Hindus, Bhojshala holds deep religious significance as a temple dedicated to Goddess Vagdevi. Legend has it that the temple was commissioned by the renowned King Bhoja of the Paramara dynasty, who ruled over the region in the 11th century. Devotees believe that this sacred site was a center of worship and spiritual enlightenment, attracting pilgrims from far and wide.

Conversely, the Muslim community recognizes Bhojshala as the Kamal Maula Mosque, named after a revered Sufi saint. According to their beliefs, the mosque was constructed during the reign of Sultan Shamsuddin Iltutmish in the 13th century, marking a period of Islamic rule in the region.

Over the centuries, Bhojshala has witnessed a series of historical transformations, reflecting the ebb and flow of religious and cultural influences. However, the site’s dual identity as both a temple and a mosque has been a source of contention and legal disputes.

Controversies and legal battles have plagued Bhojshala, with conflicting claims over its ownership and usage rights. Tensions between Hindu and Muslim communities have simmered, leading to periodic outbreaks of violence and unrest.

Ancient Evidences Excavated

Excavations in 1987 revealed a treasure trove of artifacts, including 32 idols of Hindu deities, prominently featuring Lord Kuber. These divine sculptures offer a glimpse into the rich religious heritage of Bhojshala, underscoring its significance as a center of Hindu worship. Alongside these idols, archaeologists unearthed other artifacts such as conch and chakra motifs, symbols deeply ingrained in Hindu iconography, further validating the site’s religious importance.

Sculptures of Hindu gods and goddesses

The pillars of Bhojshala stand as silent sentinels of its ancient past, adorned with exquisite sculptures of Hindu gods and goddesses. Intricate carvings depicting religious symbols like the lotus, revered for its spiritual symbolism in Hinduism, adorn these pillars, creating an ambiance of divine reverence. Among the sacred inscriptions adorning the pillars is the revered mantra “Om Namah Shivay,” written in the ancient Pali language, resonating with the spiritual vibrations of centuries past.

Source: Web

The Yagya kund

The discovery of a ‘yagya kund’ within the precincts of Bhojshala unveils the practice of ancient Vedic rituals that have endured through the ages. This sacred fire pit, where yagyas were performed for generations, serves as a tangible link to the centuries-old religious practices that once thrived in the region. Symbols associated with the Parmar dynasty, such as their state emblem, further corroborate the site’s historical significance, suggesting royal patronage and the integration of religious and political authority.

Source: Web

The Yantra’s

Among the remarkable finds at Bhojshala are ancient instruments like the Kaalsarp Yantra and Siddha Yantra, attributed to the intellectual legacy of Raja Bhoj. These instruments, believed to have been employed for astronomical and metaphysical pursuits, underscore the king’s contributions to literature and scientific knowledge, elevating Bhojshala’s status as a center of intellectual inquiry and spiritual exploration.


Inscriptions scattered throughout Bhojshala bear testimony to its cultural and religious diversity. “Om Saraswati Namah” adorns one such inscription, invoking the blessings of the goddess of knowledge and learning. References to Lord Ganesha, the beloved elephant-headed deity revered as the remover of obstacles, further enrich the tapestry of religious devotion woven into the fabric of Bhojshala’s ancient history. These inscriptions serve as silent witnesses to the interplay of faiths and beliefs that have shaped the spiritual landscape of the region over millennia.

Source : The commune mag

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Significance of the Survey

The ASI survey of the Bhojshala/Kamal Maula Mosque complex holds immense significance in several key aspects, ranging from historical elucidation to the resolution of contemporary disputes.

Unraveling Layered History

Bhojshala’s history is complex and multifaceted, intertwining Hindu and Muslim narratives over centuries. The survey presents an opportunity to peel back the layers of time and uncover the intricate tapestry of cultural, religious, and architectural influences that have shaped the site. By delving into its archaeological remnants and historical records, the survey aims to provide a nuanced understanding of Bhojshala’s evolution, from its origins as a temple dedicated to Goddess Vagdevi to its transformation into the Kamal Maula Mosque.

Resolving Religious Identity Disputes

The dual identity of Bhojshala as both a Hindu temple and a Muslim mosque has been a source of contention and legal battles. The survey seeks to address these disputes by objectively examining the archaeological evidence and historical context surrounding the site. By providing a comprehensive analysis based on scientific methods and rigorous scholarship, the survey aims to offer clarity on Bhojshala’s religious identity and usage rights, paving the way for peaceful coexistence and mutual respect among diverse communities.

Employing Scientific Methods

One of the hallmarks of the ASI survey is its emphasis on employing scientific methods and historical analysis to unravel Bhojshala’s past. Through techniques such as archaeological excavations, carbon dating, and architectural analysis, the survey endeavors to unearth ancient evidences and artifacts that shed light on the site’s historical significance. By adhering to rigorous scientific standards, the survey aims to ensure objectivity and accuracy in its findings, thereby enhancing its credibility and legitimacy.

Objective Understanding

In a polarized socio-political landscape, the ASI survey serves as a beacon of objectivity and rational inquiry. By transcending ideological divides and biases, the survey aims to provide an objective understanding of Bhojshala’s past and its implications for the present. Through meticulous documentation and analysis, the survey seeks to present a comprehensive narrative that is grounded in empirical evidence and historical scholarship, fostering a deeper appreciation for the site’s cultural heritage and religious significance.

Challenges and Controversies

The ASI survey of the Bhojshala complex faces opposition from multiple quarters, notably the Muslim community, who express reservations regarding the inclusion of recent additions like 2004-installed pillars and a subsequent idol. These concerns underscore the delicate balance between preserving religious sentiments and adhering to legal frameworks. Additionally, legal complexities and pending cases add further hurdles to the survey process, prolonging the resolution of disputes and complicating efforts to unravel the site’s historical and religious identity. Negotiating these challenges requires a nuanced approach that respects both the cultural significance of Bhojshala and the principles of legal justice.

In Conclusion, The ASI survey of Bhojshala marks a crucial juncture in the pursuit of historical veracity and religious reconciliation. Through its meticulous examination of ancient evidences and rigorous scientific methods, the survey holds promise for resolving enduring disputes and nurturing mutual reverence for India’s diverse cultural heritage. By shedding light on the site’s rich history, the survey paves the way for greater understanding and harmony among communities with divergent beliefs. As Bhojshala emerges from the shadows of controversy, it stands as a beacon of hope for the preservation of India’s pluralistic ethos and the promotion of peaceful coexistence.

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