Understanding the Upanishads : Parmatma the Architect

एष देवो विश्वकर्मा महात्मा सदा जनानां हृदये सन्निविष्टः।

हृदा मनीषा मनसाभिक्लृप्तो य एतद्विदुरमृतास्ते भवन्ति॥

~ Shvetashvatara Upanishad

Chapter 4, Verse 17

Meaning: This is the God, the mighty Soul, the Architect of all, seated for ever in the hearts of creatures and he is realised by the heart and the intellect and the mind; who know this, they become immortal.

Isn’t this beautiful?

In the heart of every being exists an eternal Architect. He is not an architect who designs and builds temporal, tangible structures; rather, He crafts the intricacies of existence, the labyrinth of life, and the essence of what it means to truly be. This is not an architect of brick and mortar, but of soul and spirit. This divine Planner, the Mahatma, is an inherent part of every creature, rooted deep within their hearts. His blueprint? The universe, the cosmos, the entirety of what we perceive and beyond.

Yet, this Architect is not just a planner, not just a builder. He is a mighty Soul, a divine entity that has chosen to take residence in the beating hearts of creatures, where life is most vivid, raw, and real. He does not reside on the outskirts, or in the abstract heavens; He is centered where emotions surge, where intellect is fostered, and where decisions are made.

Our hearts, with every beat, echo the rhythm of this divine presence. The heart, not just the organ that keeps us alive, but the metaphorical heart, the seat of our deepest emotions and most profound desires. This is His chosen residence. And His presence there is not passive; He is actively involved, influencing our thoughts, our emotions, and our desires, shaping us, molding us, building us.

And the intellect, the very tool we use to understand our world, to comprehend the complexities of life, it too is touched by this mighty Architect. For He has imbued it with the ability to conceive, to question, to learn and to understand. He is realized through it, as it strives to decipher the great mysteries of existence, to unravel the secrets of the universe.

The mind, too, plays a vital role in this divine realization. This mental realm, where thoughts and ideas roam free, where reason dances with imagination, it is here that He makes Himself known. The mind, like a skilled artist, paints a vivid picture of this divine Architect, shaping and coloring it with every thought, every idea, every realization.

Knowledge of this Architect, this omnipresent force in our hearts, our intellect, and our minds, is a passage to immortality. Not immortality in the sense of an unending physical existence, but an enduring spiritual legacy. To know Him, to realize His presence within us, is to be freed from the fear of oblivion, the dread of the unknown, the shackles of mortality.

To know this Architect, this mighty Soul, is to become one with the universe, to transcend the physical and merge with the metaphysical. It is to understand that death is not an end, but a transformation, a shift from one state of existence to another. It is to attain a state of peace, of tranquility, of eternal bliss.

In essence, the shloka is a powerful reminder of our divine connection, of our spiritual roots, and of our true nature. It is a beacon guiding us on the path of self-realization and spiritual enlightenment. It is a timeless wisdom, a celestial melody echoing through the ages, whispering the secrets of life, existence, and immortality to those willing to listen.

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