Ukraine is Europe’s Pakistan. Period


Picture this: A country, where neither the political structure, nor the standard of living is upto the mark. Yet, powerful countries are ‘dancing’ to its tunes. No no, this is not the tale of Pakistan, although it very much matches the qualifications required. This is the tale of a Pakistan situated in Europe, which is all gas and no substance. Ukraine is the name.

The joke on India cost dear

Of later, Ukraine is again in the news, and again for the wrong reasons. The European nation has been accused of insulting Indian culture with their social media posts, deleted after massive outrage. Recently, the Ministry of Defense in UK shared some photos, which showed Devi Kali in a derogatory light. Ironically, the Ministry posted these photos as “Work of Art”:

Hinduphobic tweet by Defence of Ukraine

Social media users were aghast at the fact that the official handle of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry chose to mock Hindu religious beliefs without any provocation. The artwork bore an uncanny resemblance to the Hindu deity in terms of the blue skin colour, wreath of skulls and the typical ‘tongue struck out’ pose.

After outrage by netizens, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry had since deleted the offensive tweet. The First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in the wee hours of the morning on the 2nd of May 2023 (IST) extended her apologies for the Hinduphobic cartoon that was posted by the official Defence of Ukraine Twitter handle.

“We regret @DefenceU depicting #Hindu goddess #Kali in distorted manner. #Ukraine &its people respect unique #Indian culture and highly appreciate support. The depiction has already been removed. Ukraine is determined to further increase cooperation in spirit of mutual respect & friendship”, tweeted Emine Dzheppar.

Also read: Hinduphobia is prevalent in UK schools, reveals UK report

This is nothing

If you think that this has happened out of the blue, think again. Not many know that Ukraine has quite vicious against India, more than once.

Geopolitical expert Dr. Suvrokmal Dutta expressed no surprise on this incident. To quote him, “The way Ukraine has insulted Indian culture and spewed venom against Goddess Kali, this hasn’t happened for the first time. They have done it before, and they will do it again”.

He added, “Ukraine has always been anti Indian from the start. In 1998, when India conducted nuclear tests under the leadership of PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee, it was Ukraine who voted against India in terms of sanctions. Ukraine has also been vociferous in its support for Pakistan, which reflects its inherent hatred for India”.

Also read: India-Russia trade deal is going to put India’s growth on nitro boost

Don’t take them seriously!

On a lighter note, Ukraine is less of a menace, and more of an irritating person, who neither does anything good, nor will let anyone else do it.

When Russia initially attacked Ukraine in early 2022, many nations poured their hearts out for the aggrieved nations. From Academy Awards to the FIFA, there was no platform from which Russia wasn’t thrown out.

However, if we leave America, there are not many backers left for Ukraine and its penchant for anarchy. Like Pakistan is known for its begging bowl, Ukraine is not very different, except for the sophisticated tactics of video conferences. You know, modern problems require MODERN SOLUTIONS!

However, the very habit has now become a splitting headache for many. Only a couple of months ago, Ukraine demanded a lifetime ban on the participation of Russia in Olympics, and threatened of boycotting the same if their demands weren’t met. An infuriated International Olympic Committee, who had enough of their nonsense, took Ukraine to the cleaners, openly refusing to submit to their whims. Probably that’s why Ukraine is Pakistan’s long-lost cousin, and might meet the same end as well.

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