37 Buddha Quotes on Karma: Buddha’s Timeless Wisdom

- Buddha quotes on karma

Discover the profound teachings of Buddha on karma, as we delve into a collection of insightful Buddha quotes on Karma that shed light on the workings of this universal law of cause and effect.

37 Buddha quotes on Karma

  1. “Focus on the present moment; it holds the true essence of karma.”
  2. “Your actions sow the seeds of your future; what you give, you shall receive.”
  3. “Karma is a fair judge, impartially assigning consequences to our deeds.”
  4. “Seek not revenge; karma will ensure justice prevails.” – Buddha quotes on karma
  5. “Your karma follows you like a faithful shadow, so be mindful in your thoughts and actions.”
  6. “Speak with kindness, for your words hold the power to heal or harm.”
  7. “Embrace the uniqueness of your karma; it weaves a beautiful tapestry of your life.”
  8. “Nurture your soul by engaging in virtuous acts; watch your inner garden flourish.”
  9. “Challenges presented by karma are opportunities for spiritual growth; face them bravely.”
  10. “Acts of kindness hold great significance, spreading positivity beyond our awareness.”

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Karma sayings and teachings 

  1. “Don’t let the past burden you; the present shapes your destiny with each choice.”
  2. “You shape your fate; craft it wisely with integrity, compassion, and wisdom.”
  3. “Let go of attachments that bind you; detach and experience the freedom it brings.”
  4. “Forgiveness liberates you from negative karma, allowing love and compassion to thrive.”
  5. “Self-reflection is a transformative tool, shedding light on the roots of your karma.”
  6. “Karma is impartial, treating all beings equally based on their actions and intentions.”
  7. “No action goes unnoticed by karma, even the most secretive ones.” – Buddha quotes on karma
  8. “Recognize your power in shaping destiny; choose actions that echo through time.”
  9. “Live mindfully, let your soul dance to the harmonies of divine order, guided by karma.”

Buddha quotes on Karma

  1. “As you sow in this life, so shall you reap in the next. Karma knows no shortcuts.”
  2. “Your actions are the brushstrokes on the canvas of your destiny. Paint wisely.”
  3. “The wheel of karma turns incessantly, binding the ignorant and liberating the awakened.”
  4. “Do not be deceived, for karma is the impartial judge that renders its verdict without bias.” – Buddha quotes on karma
  5. “Just as a seed grows into a tree, your intentions give birth to your future. Nurture them with mindfulness.”
  6. “Neither the heavens nor the earth can escape the grip of karma’s embrace. Its reach knows no bounds.”
  7. “One’s own actions, good or bad, can become the chains that bind or the wings that set free.”
  8. “Let not your heart be burdened by the weight of ill deeds, for karma offers the chance of redemption.”
  9. “Do not seek to evade the consequences of your actions, for karma never forgets.”

Buddha quotes on Karma

  1. “The river of karma flows unceasingly, carrying the fruits of your deeds towards the shores of your fate.”
  2. “In the vast tapestry of existence, karma weaves the threads of cause and effect, creating the fabric of our lives.”
  3. “Harmony with karma is the key to liberation. Embrace it, understand it, and transcend its grasp.” – Buddha quotes on karma
  4. “Like a mirror, karma reflects back what is given. Fill it with kindness, and kindness shall be returned.”
  5. “The seed of happiness lies within the actions of compassion, sown with the hands of a selfless heart.”
  6. “Karma is the ultimate teacher, revealing the lessons of life through the consequences of our choices.”
  7. “With each step, each thought, and each word, you shape the sculpture of your destiny. Be mindful in your creation.” – Buddha quotes on karma
  8. “The echoes of past actions reverberate through time, shaping the present and molding the future. Such is the power of karma.”
  9. “In the tapestry of karma, the individual and the universe are intertwined, forever dancing in the cosmic ballet of cause and effect.”

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